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Defines the instances in the Precise installation.

Column NameColumn Description
PWII_ID ID of the instance. Columns of XXXX_PWII_INSTANCE_ID have values from the column.
PWII_INSTANCE_NAMEName of the instance.
PWII_TECHNOLOGYTwo characters defining the technology of the instance (such as OR for Oracle and JE for J2EE).
PWII_SERVERName of the server on which the instance is installed.


Tracks changes on instance/database definitions. It contains a list of all changes that occur in the instance/database definition.

Column NameColumn Description
SQDL_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQDL_DATABASE_NAMEName of the database in which the change occurred.
SQDL_OLD_VALUEOld value, before the change.
SQDL_NEW_VALUENew value, after the change.
SQDL_CHANGE_TYPEType of the performed change (Created, Dropped, Updated).
SQDL_DATA_CHANGEDProperty that was changed.
SQDL_SAMPLE_DATEDate and time when the schema changes process ran. The actual change date is prior to the sample date and after the previous sample date.


Contains a list of all changes that occur in the object’s index, key, and column definitions.

Column NameColumn Description
SQCL_PWIIID of the SQL Server instance.
SQCL_DATABASE_IDInternal ID of the database.
SQCL_OBJECT_IDID of the object, column, or index that was changed, depending on the type of the object that was changed.
SQCL_OBJECT_TYPEType of the object that was changed.
SQCL_OBJECT_NAMEName of the object that was changed.
SQCL_OBJECT_OWNEROwner of the object that was changed.
SQCL_PARENT_OBJECT_IDID of the parent object that was changed. For example, if an index was changed, the parent object ID is the table ID.
SQCL_PARENT_OBJECT_NAMEName of the parent object name that was changed. For example: If an index was changed, the parent object name is the table name.
SQCL_PARENT_OBJECT_OWNEROwner of the parent object owner that was changed. For example: If an index was changed, the parent object owner is the table owner.
SQCL_INDEX_IDID of the index that was changed. Relevant only for index key changes.
SQCL_INDEX_NAMEName of the index that was changed. Relevant only for index key changes.
SQCL_OLD_VALUEOld value (before the change).
SQCL_NEW_VALUENew value (after the change).
SQCL_CHANGE_TYPEType of the performed change (Created, Dropped, Updated).
SQCL_DATA_CHANGEDName of the property that was changed.

Date and time when the schema changes process run.


Stores snapshots of the instances’ properties. Every time the schema change process runs, the current values are compared to the values in this table. All changes are stored in the log table, and this table is refreshed with the latest snapshots.

Column NameColumn Description
SQID_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQID_CONFIG_OPTION_IDID of the instance property, as appearing in sp_configure.
SQID_CONFIG_OPTION_NAMEName of the instance property, as appearing in sp_configure.
SQID_CONFIG_OPTION_VALUEValue of the instance property.


Stores snapshots of the instance objects’ properties. The object can be a table or a stored object such as a view, trigger, user-defined function, or stored procedure. Every time the schema change process runs, the current values are compared to the values in this table. All changes are stored in the log table, and this table is refreshed with the latest snapshots.

Column NameColumn Description
SQCO_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQCO_DATABASE_IDInternal ID of the database.
SQCO_OBJECT_IDID of the object that was changed.
SQCO_NAMEName of the object that was changed.
SQCO_OWNEROwner of the object that was changed.
SQCO_TYPEType of the object that was changed. See sysobjects documentation for a list of all available types.
SQCO_CREATE_DATECreation date of the object.
SQCO_FILE_GROUPFile group in which the object resides. Relevant only for tables.
SQCO_NUM_OF_COLUMNNumber of columns in the object.
SQCO_EXEC_IS_ANSI_NULL_ONValue of the object’s Ansi Null property. Relevant only for stored objects.
SQCO_TABLE_HAS_INDEXTRUE if the table has an index, FALSE if the table does not have an indexes.
SQCO_TABLE_HAS_CLUSTERED_INDEXTRUE if the table has a clustered index, FALSE if the table does not have a clustered index.
SQCO_DELETE_TRIGGER_COUNTNumber of delete triggers on the table.
SQCO_INSERT_TRIGGER_COUNTNumber of insert triggers on the table.
SQCO_UPDATE_TRIGGER_COUNTNumber of update triggers on the table.
SQCO_NUM_OF_PARTITIONSNumber of partitions per object.


Stores snapshots of the index keys. Every time the schema change process runs, the current values are compared to the values in this table. All changes are stored in the log table, and this table is refreshed with the latest snapshots.

Column NameColumn Description
SQCK_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQCK_DATABASE_IDInternal ID of the database.
SQCK_OBJECT_IDID of the object on which the index is defined.
SQCK_INDEX_IDID of the index.
SQCK_COLUMN_IDID of the column.
SQCK_COLUMN_NAMEName of the column key.
SQCK_INDEX_NAMEName of the index.
SQCK_OBJECT_NAMEName of the table.
SQCK_OBJECT_OWNEROwner of the table.
SQCK_POSITIONPosition of the key in the index.
SQCK_ORDER_BYSorting of the key in the index.


Stores snapshots of the indexes. Every time the schema change process runs, the current values are compared to the values in this table. All changes are stored in the log table, and this table is refreshed with the latest snapshots.

Column NameColumn Description
SQCI_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQCI_DATABASE_IDInternal ID of the database.
SQCI_OBJECT_IDID of the object on which the index is defined.
SQCI_INDEX_IDID of the index.
SQCI_INDEX_NAMEName of the index.
SQCI_OBJECT_NAMEName of the table.
SQCI_OBJECT_OWNEROwner of the table.
SQCI_FILE_GROUPFile group in which the index resides.
SQCI_NUM_OF_KEYSNumber of keys in the index.
SQCI_FILL_FACTORFill factor of the index.
SQCI_IS_CLUSTERED_INDEXIndicates whether the index is clustered.
SQCI_IS_PAD_INDEXIndicates whether the index is padded.
SQCI_IS_UNIQUEIndicates whether the index is unique.
SQCI_INDEX_DEPTHIndex tree level.
SQCI_IS_AUTH_STATIndicates if the index has turned on the autostatistics.
SQCI_IS_PAGE_LOCK_DISALLOWEDIndicates whether an index page can be locked.
SQCI_IS_ROW_LOCK_DISALLOWEDIndicates whether an index row can be locked.


Stores snapshots of the database properties. Every time the schema change process runs, the current values are compared to the values in this table. All changes are stored in the log table, and this table is refreshed with the latest snapshots.

Column NameColumn Description
SQCD_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQCD_DATABASE_IDInternal ID of the database.
SQCD_DATABASE_NAMEName of the database in which the change occurred.
SQCD_RECOVERYRecovery model of the database.
SQCD_AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICSAuto-update statistics status of the database.
SQCD_ANSI_NULLAnsi null status of the database.
SQCD_AUTO_SHRINK_FILESAutoshrink files status of the database.
SQCD_CLOSE_CURSORS_ON_COMMITClose cursor on commit status of the database.
SQCD_STATUSAvailability status of the database.
SQCD_AUTOCREATES_STATISTICSAutocreate statistics status of the database.
SQCD_TRUNCATES_LOGTruncate log status of the database.
SQCD_COMPATIBILITY_LEVELCompatibility level of the database.
SQCD_OBJECT_SAMPLE_STATUSStatus of tracking changes on objects in the database.
SQCD_COLUMN_SAMPLE_STATUSStatus of tracking changes on columns in the database.
SQCD_INDEX_SAMPLE_STATUSStatus of tracking changes on indexes in the database.
SQCD_INDEX_K_SAMPLE_STATUSStatus of tracking changes on keys in the database.
SQCD_DATABASES_SAMPLE_STATUSStatus of tracking changes on database definitions in the database.
SQCD_PS_SAMPLE_STATUSTo support partition schema collecting.
SQCD_PS_FG_SAMPLE_STATUSTo support file group collecting pointed by partition schema.
SQCD_PF_SAMPLE_STATUSTo support partition function collecting.
SQCD_PF_VALUES_SAMPLE_STATUSTo support partition function values collecting of a particular partition function.
SQCD_PARAMS_FORCEDDatabase option.


Stores snapshots of the columns. Every time the schema change process runs, the current values are compared to the values in this table. All changes are stored in the log table, and this table is refreshed with the latest snapshots.

Column NameColumn Description
SQCC_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQCC_DATABASE_IDInternal ID of the database.
SQCC_OBJECT_IDID of the object to which the column belongs.
SQCC_COLUMN_IDID of the column.
SQCC_COLUMN_NUMBERNumber of the subprocedure when the procedure is grouped (0 for nonprocedure objects).
SQCC_COLUMN_NAMEName of the column.
SQCC_OBJECT_NAMEName of the object.
SQCC_OBJECT_OWNEROwner of the object.
SQCC_TYPEType of the column.
SQCC_LENGTHLength of the column.
SQCC_SCALEScale of the column.
SQCC_PRECISIONPrecision of the column.
SQCC_IS_NULL_ABLENullable property of the column.
SQCC_IS_TABLEIndicates whether the object is a table.


Holds information on the object SQL Server: Replication Snapshot Object in Windows performance counters. For more details, search for "performance counters" on

Column NameColumn Description
SQRS_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQRS_INSTANCE_NAMEName of the snapshot agent.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQRS_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQRS_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQRS_SNAP_DELIVERED_CMDS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQRS_SNAP_DELIVERED_TRANS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQRS_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQRS_ROWIDUnique row number.


Holds information on the object SQL Server: Replication Merge Object in Windows performance counters. For more details, search for "performance counters" on

Column NameColumn Description
SQRM_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQRM_INSTANCE_NAMEName of the merge agent.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQRM_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQRM_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQRM_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQRM_CONFLICTS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQRM_DOWNLOADED_CHANGES_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQRM_UPLOADED_CHANGES_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQRM_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQRM_ROWIDUnique row number.


Holds information on the object SQL Server: Replication Logreader Object in Windows performance counters. For more details, search for "performance counters" on

Column NameColumn Description
SQRL_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQRL_INSTANCE_NAMEName of the publisher instance.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQRL_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQRL_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQRL_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQRL_LOG_DELIVERED_CMDS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQRL_LOG_DELIVERED_TRANS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQRL_LOG_DELIVERY_LATENCY_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQRL_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQRL_ROWIDUnique row number.


Holds information on the object SQL Server: Replication Distribution Object in Windows performance counters. For more details, search for "performance counters" on

Column NameColumn Description
SQRD_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQRD_INSTANCE_NAMEName of the publisher instance.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQRD_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQRD_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQRD_DIST_DELIVERED_CMDS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQRD_DIST_DELIVERED_TRANS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQRD_DIST_DELIVERY_LATENCY_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQRD_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQRD_ROWIDUnique row number.


Holds information on the object SQL Server: Replication Agents Object in Windows performance counters. For more details, search for "performance counters" on

Column NameColumn Description
SQRA_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQRA_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQRA_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQRA_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQRA_DISTRIBUTION_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQRA__LOGREADER_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQRA_MERGE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQRA_QUEUEREADER_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQRA_SNAPSHOT_TIMESTAMPFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQRA_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQRA_ROWIDUnique row number.


Holds information on the object SQL Server: Buffer Partition Object in Windows performance counters. For more details, search for "performance counters" on

Column NameColumn Description
SQBP_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQBP_INSTANCE_NAMEName of the buffer.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQBP_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQBP_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQBP_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQBP_FREE_LIST_EMPTY_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBP_FREE_LIST_REQUESTS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBP_FREE_PAGES_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBP_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQBP_ROWIDUnique row number.


Holds information on the objects SQL Server: Buffer Manager Object and SQL Server: Cache Manager Object in Windows performance counters. For more information, search for "performance counters" on

Column NameColumn Description
SQBM_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQBM_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQBM_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQBM_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQBM_AWE_LOOKUP_MAPS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_AWE_STOLEN_MAPS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_AWE_UNMAP_CALL_AWGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_AWE_UNMAP_PAGES_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_AWE_WRITE_MAPS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_BUFFER_HIT_RATIO_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CHECKPOINT_PAGES_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_DATABASE_PAGES_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_FREE_LIST_STALL_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_FREE_PAGES_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_FREE_PAGES_MINFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_LAZY_WRITES_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_PAGE_LIFE_EXPECTANCY_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_PAGE_LOOKUPS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_PAGE_READS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_PAGE_WRITES_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_PROCEDURES_CACHE_PAGES_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_READAHEAD_PAGES_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_RESERVED_PAGES_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_STOLEN_PAGES_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_TARGET_PAGES_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_TOTAL_PAGES_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_HIT_AD_HOC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_HIT_CURSORS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_HIT_CONTEXT_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_HIT_N_TREE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_HIT_PREPARE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_HIT_PROC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_HIT_RP_PROC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_HIT_TRIGGER_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_HIT_TOTAL_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_OBJ_CNT_AD_HOC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_OBJ_CNT_CURSORS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_OBJ_CNT_CONTEXT_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_OBJ_CNT_N_TREE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_OBJ_CNT_PREPARE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_OBJ_CNT_PREPARE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_OBJ_CNT_PROC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_OBJ_CNT_RP_PROC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_OBJ_CNT_TRIGGER_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_OBJ_CNT_TOTAL_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_PAGES_AD_HOC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_PAGES_CURSORS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_PAGES_CONTEXT_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_PAGES_N_TREE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_PAGES_PREPARE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_PAGES_PROC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_PAGES_RP_PROC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_PAGES_TRIGGER_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_PAGES_TOTAL_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_USE_AD_HOC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_USE_CURSORS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_USE_CONTEXT_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_USE_N_TREE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_USE_PREPARE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_USE_PROC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_USE_RP_PROC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_USE_TRIGGER_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_USE_TOTAL_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQBM_ROWIDUnique row number.
SQBM_CACHE_HIT_SQL_PLN_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_HIT_OBJ_PLN_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_HIT_BND_TRE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_HIT_EXT_SP_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_HIT_TMP_TAB_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_OBJ_CNT_SQL_PLN_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_OBJ_CNT_OBJ_PLN_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_OBJ_CNT_BND_TRE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_OBJ_CNT_EXT_SP_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_OBJ_CNT_TMP_TAB_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_PAGES_SQL_PLN_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_PAGES_OBJ_PLN_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_PAGES_BND_TRE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_PAGES_EXT_SP_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_PAGES_TMP_TAB_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_USE_SQL_PLN_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_USE_OBJ_PLN_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_USE_BND_TRE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_USE_EXT_SP_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBM_CACHE_USE_TMP_TAB_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on


Holds information on the object SQL Server: Backup Device Object in Windows performance counters. For more information, search for "performance counters" on

Column NameColumn Description
SQBD_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQBD_INSTANCE_NAMEName of the backup device.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQBD_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQBD_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQBD_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQBD_DEVICE_THROUGHPUT_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBD_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQBD_ROWIDUnique row number.
SQBD_READ_IO_WAITFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBD_WRITE_IO_WAITFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQBD_FILE_NAMEFor more information, search for "performance counters" on


Holds information on the object SQL Server: Access Methods Object in Windows performance counters. For more information, search for "performance counters" on

Column NameColumn Description
SQAM_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQAM_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQAM_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQAM_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQAM_EXTENT_DEALLOC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_EXTENT_ALLOC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_FORWARDED_RECORDS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_FREESPACE_PAG_FETCH_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_FREESPACE_SCANS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_FULL_SCANS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_INDEX_SEARCHES_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_MIXED_PAGE_ALLOC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_PAGE_DEALLOC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_PAGE_SPLITS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_PAGES_ALLOC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_PROBE_SCANS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_RANGE_SCANS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_SCAN_POINT_REVALID_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_SKIPP_GHOSTED_RECORD_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_TABLE_LOCK_ESCALATION_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_WORKFILES_CREATED_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_WORKTABLES_CREATED_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_WORKTABLES_CREATED_MAXFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_WORKTABLE_CACHE_HIT_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_MM_CONNECTION_MEMORY_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_MM_GRANTED_WS_MEMORY_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_MM_LOCK_BLOCK_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_MM_LOCK_BLOCK_ALLO_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_MM_LOCK_MEMORY_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_MM_LOCK_MEMORY_MAXFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_MM_LOCK_OWN_BLOCK_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_MM_LOCK_OWN_BLOCK_ALC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_MM_MAX_WS_MEMORY_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_MM_MEMORY_GRANT_OUT_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_MM_MEMORY_GRANT_PEND_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on


For more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_MM_SQL_CACHE_MEMORY_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_MM_TARGET_SRV_MEMORY_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_MM_TOTAL_SRV_MEMORY_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_MM_TOTAL_SRV_MEMORY_MAXFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQAM_ROWIDUnique row number.
SQAM_AU_CLEANUP_BATCHES_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_AU_CLEANUP_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_COUNT_PULL_IN_ROW_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_COUNT_PUSH_OFF_ROW_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_DEFERRED_DROP_AUS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_DEFERRED_DROP_ROWSETS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_DROP_ROWSET_CLEANUPS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_DROP_ROWSET_SKIPPED_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_FAIL_AU_CLEANUP_BATCH_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_FAIL_LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_FAIL_TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_USED_LEAF_PAGE_COOKIE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQAM_USED_TREE_PAGE_COOKIE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on


Holds information on the object SQL Server: Databases Object in Windows performance counters. For more information, search for "performance counters" on

Column NameColumn Description
SQDD_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQDD_INSTANCE_NAMEName of the database.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQDD_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQDD_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQDD_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQDD_ACTIVE_TRANSACTIONS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_BACKUP_RES_THROUGHPUT_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_BULK_COPY_ROWS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_BULK_COPY_THROUGHPUT_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_DATA_FILE_SIZE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_DBCC_LOGICAL_SCAN_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_LOG_BYTES_FLUSHED_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_LOG_CACHE_HIT_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_LOG_CACHE_READS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_LOG_FILE_SIZE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_LOG_FILE_SIZE_USED_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_LOG_FLUSH_WAIT_TIME_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_LOG_FLUSH_WAIT_TIME_MAXFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_LOG_FLUSH_WAITS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_LOG_FLUSHES_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_LOG_GROWTHS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_LOG_SHRINKS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_LOG_TRUNCATIONS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_PERCENT_LOG_USED_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_REPL_PENDING_XACTS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_REPL_TRANS_RATE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_SHRINK_DATA_MOVEMENT_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_TRANSACTIONS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_TRANSACTIONS_MAXFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQDD_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQDD_ROWIDUnique row number.


Holds information on the object SQL Server: SQL Statistics Object in Windows performance counters. For more information, search for "performance counters" on

Column NameColumn Description
SQPS_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQPS_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQPS_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQPS_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculate the row, in minutes.
SQPS_AUTO_PARAM_ATTEMPTS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_BATCH-REQUESTS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_BATCH_REQUESTS_MAXFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_FAILED_AUTO_PARAMS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_SAFE_AUTOPARAMS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_SQL_COMPILE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_SQL_RE_COMPILE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_SAFE_UNSAFE_AUTO_PARAM_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_GENERAL_STAT_LOGINS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_GENERAL_STAT_LOGINS_MAXFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_GENERAL_STAT_LOGOUTS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_GENERAL_STAT_USR_CONN_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_GENERAL_STAT_USR_CONN_MAXFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_USER_SETTABLE_CNT1_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_USER_SETTABLE_CNT2_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_USER_SETTABLE_CNT3_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_USER_SETTABLE_CNT4_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_USER_SETTABLE_CNT5_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_USER_SETTABLE_CNT6_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_USER_SETTABLE_CNT7_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_USER_SETTABLE_CNT8_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_USER_SETTABLE_CNT9_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_USER_SETTABLE_CNT10_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQPS_ROWIDUnique row number.
SQPS_GNRL_ACTIVE_TEMP_TAB_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_GNRL_LOGICAL_CON_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_GNRL_MARS_DEADLOCKS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_GNRL_NATOM_YIELD_RATE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_GNRL_PROC_BLOCK_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_GNRL_TMP_TAB_CRT_RATE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_GNRL_TMP_DSTRUCT_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_GNRL_TRANSACTIONS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_EX_STAT_ETIME_DSTR_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_EX_STAT_ETIME_DTC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_EX_STAT_ETIME_EXT_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_EX_STAT_ETIME_OLE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_EX_STAT_E_INPROG_DSTR_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_STAT_E_INPROG_DSTR_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_EX_STAT_E_INPROG_DTC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_EX_STAT_E_INPROG_EXT_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_EX_STAT_E_INPROG_OLE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_EX_STAT_E_PERSEC_DSTR_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_EX_STAT_E_PERSEC_DTC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_EX_STAT_E_PERSEC_EXT_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_EX_STAT_E_PERSEC_OLE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_FORCED_PARM_SEC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_TRANS_VER_CLNUP_RATE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_TRANS_VER_GNRT_RATE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPS_TRANS_VER_STORE_SIZE_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on


Holds information on the objects SQL Server: Locks Object and SQL Server: Latch Object in Windows performance counters. For more information, search for "performance counters" on

Column NameColumn Description
SQLS_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQLS_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQLS_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQLS_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQLS_AVG_WAIT_TM_HIT_D_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_AVG_WAIT_TM_HIT_E_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_AVG_WAIT_TM_HIT_K_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_AVG_WAIT_TM_HIT_P_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_AVG_WAIT_TM_HIT_R_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_AVG_WAIT_TM_HIT_T_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_REQUESTS_D_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_REQUESTS_E_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_REQUESTS_K_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_REQUESTS_P_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_REQUESTS_R_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_REQUESTS_T_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_REQUESTS_TL_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_TIMEOUTS_D_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_TIMEOUTS_E_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_TIMEOUTS_K_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_TIMEOUTS_P_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_TIMEOUTS_R_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_TIMEOUTS_T_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_TIMEOUTS_TL_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAIT_TIME_D_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAIT_TIME_E_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAIT_TIME_K_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAIT_TIME_P_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAIT_TIME_R_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAIT_TIME_T_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAIT_TIME_TL_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAITS_D_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAITS_E_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAITS_K_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAITS_P_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAITS_R_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAITS_T_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAITS_TL_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_NUMBER_OF_DEADLOCK_D_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_NUMBER_OF_DEADLOCK_E_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_NUMBER_OF_DEADLOCK_K_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_NUMBER_OF_DEADLOCK_P_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_NUMBER_OF_DEADLOCK_R_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_NUMBER_OF_DEADLOCK_T_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_NUMBER_OF_DEADLOCK_TL_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_AVG_LATCH_WAIT_HIT_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_AVG_LATCH_WAIT_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_TOTAL_LATCH_WAIT_TIME_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQLS_ROWIDUnique row number.
SQLS_AVG_WAIT_TM_HIT_AU_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_AVG_WAIT_TM_HIT_AP_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_AVG_WAIT_TM_HIT_FI_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_AVG_WAIT_TM_HIT_HB_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_AVG_WAIT_TM_HIT_MD_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_AVG_WAIT_TM_HIT_OB_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_REQUESTS_AU_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_REQUESTS_AP_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_REQUESTS_FI_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_REQUESTS_HB_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_REQUESTS_MD_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_REQUESTS_OB_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_TIMEOUTS_AU_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_TIMEOUTS_AP_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_TIMEOUTS_FI_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_TIMEOUTS_HB_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_TIMEOUTS_MD_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_TIMEOUTS_OB_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAIT_TIME_AU_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAIT_TIME_AP_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAIT_TIME_FI_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAIT_TIME_HB_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAIT_TIME_MD_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAIT_TIME_OB_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAITS_AU_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAITS_AP_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAITS_FI_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAITS_HB_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAITS_MD_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_LOCK_WAITS_OB_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_NUMBER_OF_DEADLOCK_AU_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_NUMBER_OF_DEADLOCK_AP_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_NUMBER_OF_DEADLOCK_FI_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_NUMBER_OF_DEADLOCK_HB_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_NUMBER_OF_DEADLOCK_MD_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQLS_NUMBER_OF_DEADLOCK_OB_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on


Holds information on the object Process Object in Windows performance counters. For more information, search for "performance counters" on

Column NameColumn Description
SQPR_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQPR_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQPR_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQPR_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQPR_PRCT_PROCESSOR_TIME_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPR_PRCT_PROCESSOR_TIME_MAXFor more information, search for "performance counters" on

The overall average rate of faulted pages encountered by the SQL Server process, that are handled by the processor. It is measured in numbers of pages faulted per second.

A page fault occurs when a process requires code or data that is not in its working set, i.e. its space in physical memory.

This counter includes both hard faults (those that require disk access) and soft faults (where the faulted page is found elsewhere in physical memory).

Most processors can handle large numbers of soft faults without consequence. However, hard faults can cause significant delays.

This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.

SQPR_PAGE_FAULTS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPR_PAGE_READS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPR_PAGE_WRITES_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPR_PAGES_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on

The amount of physical memory available to processes running on the computer, in megabytes (Bytes / 1,048,576).

It is calculated by summing space on the Zeroed, Free, and Stand by memory lists.

Free memory is ready for use; Zeroed memory are pages of memory filled with zeros to prevent later processes from seeing data used by a previous process.

Standby memory is memory removed from a process' working set (its physical memory) on route to disk, but is still available to be recalled.

This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.

SQPR_AVAILABLE_MB_MINLike the previous counter, but it is the minimum value after doing the summary process.
SQPR_SERVER_PHYS_MEMORY_MAXTotal physical memory available in the instance machine.

The number of threads in the processor queue. There is a single queue for processor time, even on computers with multiple processors.

Unlike the disk counters, this counter counts ready threads only, not threads that are running.

A sustained processor queue of greater than two threads generally indicates processor congestion.

This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.

SQPR_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQPR_ROWIDUnique row number.


Holds information on the object Processor Object in Windows performance counters. For more information, search for "performance counters" on

Column NameColumn Description
SQPO_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQPO_INSTANCE_NAMENumber of the processor.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQPO_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQPO_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQPO_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQPO_PRCT_PROCESSOR_TIME_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPO_PRCT_PROCESSOR_TIME_MAXFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPO_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQPO_ROWIDUnique row number.


Holds information on the object PhysicalDisk Object in Windows performance counters. For more information, search for "performance counters" on

Column NameColumn Description
SQPD_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQPD_INSTANCE_NAMEIdentifier of the disk.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQPD_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQPD_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQPD_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQPD_AVG_DISK_QUEUE_LENGTH_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPD_DISK_READS_PER_SEC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPD_DISK_WRITES_PER_SEC_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPD_DISK_SEC_READS_AVGFor more information, search for "performance counters" on
SQPD_DISK_SEC_WRITES_AVGThe average time in seconds it took to write data to the disk.
SQPD_DISK_SEC_TRANSFER_AVGThe average time in seconds of the average disk transfer.
SQPD_DISK_TRANSFER_PER_SEC_AVGThe average number of disk transfers per second.
SQPD_DISK_SPLIT_IO_PER_SEC_AVGThe average rate that I/Os to the disk were split into multiple I/Os. A split I/O may result from requesting data in a size that is too large to fit into a single I/O or that the disk is fragmented.
SQPD_PRCT_DISK_READ_TIME_AVGThe average percentage of elapsed time that the selected disk drive is busy servicing read requests.
SQPD_PRCT_DISK_WRITE_TIME_AVGThe average percentage of elapsed time that the selected disk drive is busy servicing write requests.
SQPD_PRCT_IDLE_TIME_AVGThe average percentage of time during the sample interval that the disk was idle.
SQPD_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQPD_ROWIDUnique row number.


Holds mapping disks of HP or HDS systems.

Column NameColumn Description
SQXM_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQXM_PHYSICAL_DISKPhysical disk number.
SQXM_DEVICE_NAMEName of the device.
SQXM_ARRAY_IDID of the array.
SQXM_CONTROL_UNITControl unit identifier.
SQXM_LDEV_IDID of the logical device.
SQXM_RAID_GROUPName of the raid group.
SQXM_CHP_IDIdentification number of the Client Host Interface Processor Port of the logical device.
SQXM_ACP_PAIR_IDIdentification number of the Array Control Processor Pair of the logical device.
SQXM_URLVendor-specific performance URL.


Holds statistics on objects space. By default, this process runs every 24 hours.

Column NameColumn Description
SQOU_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQOU_DATABASE_IDName of the database, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.
SQOU_OBJECT_IDID of the table.
SQOU_FULL_OBJECT_IDThe full object ID, normalized in table PW_SQKN_LOCKED_OBJECT_NAMES_N.
SQOU_INDEX_IDID of the index.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On a slice summary level, the date and time are in GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time part is zeroed.

SQOU_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQOU_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQOU_O_ALL_ALLOC_MAXNumber of pages allocated to the object.
SQOU_O_ALL_USED_MAXNumber of pages used by the object.
SQOU_O_TEXT_ALLOC_MAXNumber of text pages allocated to the object.
SQOU_O_TEXT_USED_MAXNumber of text pages used by the object.
SQOU_O_DATA_USED_MAXNumber of data pages used by the objects.
SQOU_O_INDEX_ALLOC_MAXNumber of pages allocated to the indexes of the object.
SQOU_O_INDEX_USED_MAXNumber of pages used by the indexes of the object.
SQOU_ROW_COUNT_MAXNumber of rows the object has.
SQOU_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQOU_ROWIDUnique row number.
SQOU_SYSTEM_SEEKS_SUMNumber of system seeks per one object.
SQOU_SYSTEM_SCANS_SUMNumber of system scans per one object.
SQOU_SYSTEM_LOOKUPS_SUMNumber of system lookups per one object.
SQOU_SYSTEM_UPDATES_SUMNumber of system updates per one object.
SQOU_USER_SEEKS_SUMNumber of user seeks per one object.
SQOU_USER_SCANS_SUMNumber of user scans per one object.
SQOU_USER_LOOKUPS_SUMNumber of user lookups per one object.
SQOU_USER_UPDATES_SUMNumber of user updates per one object.


Holds the space over time of datafiles. By default, this process runs every 24 hours.

Column NameColumn Description
SQDU_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQDU_DATABASE_NAMEID of the database, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.
SQDU_FILE_IDID of the file in the database.
SQDU_FILE_NAME_IDThe internal file ID, normalize in table PW_SQDN_FILE_NAMES_N.
SQDU_FILE_GROUP_IDID of the file group in the database.
SQDU_FILE_GROUP_NAME_IDThe internal file group ID, normalized in table PW_SQDN_FILE_GROUP_NAMES_N.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On a slice summary level, the date and time are in GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time part is zeroed.

SQDU_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQDU_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQDU_FILE_SIZE_MAXMaximum file size in MB.
SQDU_SPACE_USED_MAXNumber of MB bytes used in the files.
SQDU_MAX_SIZE_MAXMaximum growth of the file.
SQDU_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQDU_ROWIDUnique row number.


Holds information on I/O performance and load of the SQL Server datafiles.

Column NameColumn Description
SQDF_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQDF_DATABASE_NAMEName of the database.
SQDF_FILE_IDID of the file in the database.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQDF_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQDF_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQDF_READS_NUMBER_SUMNumber of read requests for the file.
SQDF_WRITES_NUMBER_SUMNumber of writes requests for the file.
SQDF_READS_BYTES_SUMNumber of bytes read from the file.
SQDF_WRITTEN_BYTES_SUMNumber of bytes written to the file.
SQDF_IO_WAIT_SUMI/O wait duration of the file.
SQDF_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQDF_ROWIDUnique row number.
SQDF_READ_IO_WAIT_SUMTime of read I/O wait on files.
SQDF_WRITE_IO_WAIT_SUMTime of write I/O wait on files.
SQDF_LOGICAL_FILE_IDID of the logical file, normalized in table PW_SQFN_FILE_NAMES_N.


Holds last sample information on I/O performance and load of the SQL Server datafiles.

Column NameColumn Description
SQDB_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQDB_DATABASE_NAMEName of the database.
SQDB_FILE_IDID of the file in the database.
SQDB_SAMPLE_NUMBERSample number. 1 is the previous sample. 2 is the current sample.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQDB_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQDB_READS_NUMBERNumber of read requests for the file.
SQDB_WRITES_NUMBERNumber of write requests for the file.
SQDB_READS_BYTESNumber of bytes read from the file.
SQDB_WRITTEN_BYTESNumber of bytes writes to the file.
SQDB_IO_WAITI/O wait duration of the file.


Holds information on the status of the databases and the SQL Server instance.

Column NameColumn Description
SQAV_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQAV_DATABASE_NAMEName of the database. Null in case of an instance record.
SQAV_STATUSStatus of the database or the instance.
SQAV_FROM_TIMEDate and time the status was changed to the status field.
SQAV_TO_TIMEDate and time the status was changed from the status field


Holds information on statements in the Statement Workshop.

Column NameColumn Description
SQSC_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQSC_CABINETName of the cabinet in which the statement is stored.
SQSC_FOLDERName of the folder within the cabinet.
SQSC_STATEMENT_IDUnique identifier (string) assigned to the statement.

Unique identifier (number) assigned to statements inserted in the statement workshop workspace.

Statements loaded into the PMDB have the value 0.


Holds information on batch access plans.

Column NameColumn Description
SQEO_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQEO_DATABASE_NAMEName of the database to which the statement belongs.

One of the SQL Server users who executed this statement.

If this statement is not part of a stored procedure, this is the user used as the parsing user when explaining this batch.

SQEO_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch.

Unique identifier (number) assigned to statements inserted in the statement workshop workspace.

Statements loaded into the PMDB have the value 0.

SQEO_EXPLAIN_TIMEDate and time the batch was explained and its access plan was changed.
SQEO_STATEMENT_ID_IN_BATCHA statement number in the first batch sampled running the statement.
SQEO_OPERATOR_IDSequence order of this operation in the access plan for a statement.
SQEO_OPERATOR_TYPEPhysical operation in the access plan.
SQEO_OPTIONSLogical operation in the access plan.
SQEO_EXECUTION_ORDERSequence order of this operation in the whole access plan.
SQEO_TREE_LEVELTree level of this operation in the access plan.
SQEO_REMOTE_STATEMENT_HVUnique identifier (number) for the remote query used in this operation.
SQEO_OBJ_DATABASE_NAMEDatabase name of the object accessed in this operation.
SQEO_OBJ_OWNER_NAMEOwner of the object accessed in this operation.
SQEO_OBJ_NAMEName of the object accessed in this operation.
SQEO_INDEX_NAMEName of the index accessed in this operation. Otherwise NULL.
SQEO_TOTAL_SUBTREE_COSTEstimated cost of this operation and its descendants.
SQEO_CONTRIBUTION_RATIOContribution value of the object in this operation to the statement.
SQEO_ESTIMATE_COSTEstimated cost of this operation.
SQEO_ESTIMATE_IO_COSTEstimated I/O cost of this operation.
SQEO_ESTIMATE_CPU_COSTEstimated CPU cost of this operation.
SQEO_ESTIMATE_ROWSEstimated number of rows returned by this operation.
SQEO_WARNINGSWarnings in this operation.
SQEO_PARALLEL_INDIndicates if the operation is performed in parallel.
SQEO_ESTIMATE_EXECUTIONEstimated number of times this operation is performed.
SQEO_LAST_EXPLAIN_INDIndicates that this operation belongs to the last explain of the batch.
SQEO_AVG_ROW_SIZEAverage row size this operation handles.


Holds information on batch execution plans. Each batch can have up to three different execution plans.

Column NameColumn Description
SQEH_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQEH_DATABASE_NAMEDatabase to which the statement belongs.

One of the SQL Server users who executed this statement.

If this statement is not part of a stored procedure, this is the user used as the parsing user when explaining this batch.

SQEH_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch.

Unique identifier (Number) assigned to statements inserted in the statement workshop workspace.

Statements loaded into the PW have the value 0.

SQEH_EXPLAIN_TIMEDate and time the batch was explained and its access plan was changed.
SQEH_TOTAL_ESTIMATE_COSTEstimated cost of the batch.
SQEH_TOTAL_ESTIMATE_IO_COSTEstimated I/O cost of the batch.
SQEH_TOTAL_ESTIMATE_CPU_COSTEstimated CPU cost of the batch.
SQEH_TOTAL_ESTIMATE_ROWSEstimated number of rows returned by the batch. Only rows from SELECT statements are calculated.
SQEH_LAST_EXPLAIN_INDIndicates that this access plan is the last access plan of the batch.
SQEH_ACTUAL_PLAN_INDAn indicator if the execution plan is actual or estimated.


Stores statistics on statement and batch performance per timeslice.

The _T table summarizes the data per timeslice.

The _D table summarizes the data per day.

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

Column NameColumn Description
SQST_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQST_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQST_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQST_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQST_DATABASE_IDDatabase to which the statement belongs, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.

One of the SQL Server users who executed this statement.

If this statement is not part of a stored procedure, this is the user used as the parsing user when explaining this batch, normalized in table PW_SQUN_USER_NAMES_N.

SQST_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch.
SQST_STATEMENT_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the statement.
SQST_COLLAPSED_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch after replacing the literals with a parameters marker (collapsed form).
SQST_COLLAPSED_STATEMENT_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the statement in its collapsed form.
SQST_TOTAL_INMSSQL_TIME_SUMIndicates the total amount of time SQL Server was actively executing queries. It is also the sum of the columns.
SQST_NUM_ENDED_EXECUTIONS_SUMNumber of statement executions which ended during the row's timeframe.
SQST_NUM_EXECUTIONS_NOT_ENDEDNumber of statement executions which were still running at the end of the row's timeframe
SQST_TOTAL_DURATION_SUMTotal amount of time SQL Server spent executing this statement.
SQST_REQUEST_WAIT_SUMNot in use in this table.
SQST_CPU_SUMAmount of time the process was actively executing a statement.
SQST_LOCK_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for locks held by other processes to be released. All types of locks are counted.
SQST_IO_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for I/O operations to terminate.
SQST_REMOTE_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for a remote query to terminate.

Amount of time the process was waiting for an operation on the log file to terminate.

This state is generally encountered during a COMMIT or ROLLBACK operation.

SQST_INTERNAL_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for an internal resource to be freed.
SQST_NET_IO_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for the client process to acknowledge data sent to it.
SQST_PARALLEL_EXCHANGE_SUMAmount of time the thread in a parallel session is waiting for data exchange from another thread.
SQST_STAT_CPU_SUMStatistics summing the amount of the process’s read memory usage.
SQST_STAT_PHYSICAL_IO_SUMNumber of physical disk reads and writes for the process.
SQST_STAT_MEM_USAGE_MAXNumber of pages in the procedure cache allocated to the process.
SQST_STAT_OPEN_TRANS_MAXNumber of transactions the process opened.

Minimum number of threads used to execute the statement or batch in parallel. This counter is calculated from the ecid column in sysprocesses.

This enables you to verify that SQL Server is using the best execution plan for the current statement.


Maximum number of threads used to execute the statement or batch in parallel. This counter is calculated from the ecid column in sysprocesses.

This enables you to verify that SQL Server is using the best execution plan for the current statement.

SQST_LOCK_ROW_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on a row.
SQST_LOCK_KEY_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on an index key or an index key range.
SQST_LOCK_PAGE_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on a table or index page.
SQST_LOCK_TABLE_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on a table.
SQST_COMPILE_LOCK_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on a compiled plan for a stored procedure.
SQST_OTHER_LOCK_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on a process that is unrecognized by Precise for SQL Server.
SQST_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQST_SLA_RED_SUMNumber of times the average amount of time SQL Server was actively executing the statement, exceeded the breach threshold for the type of program.
SQST_SLA_YELLOW_SUMNumber of times the average amount of time SQL Server was actively executing the statement, exceeded the near-breach threshold for the type of program.
SQST_SLA_GREEN_SUMNumber of times the average amount of time SQL Server was actively executing the statement, was below the near-breach threshold for the type of program.
SQST_ROWIDUnique row number.
SQST_NET_IO_WAIT_SUMGroups all I/O related wait types.
SQST_TEMP_DB_WAIT_SUMGroups I/O / Latch on TempDB pages.
SQST_IDLE_WAIT_SUMThis group includes the events indicating that a session is waiting for something other than a user request.
SQST_INTRNL_BP_WAIT_SUMThis state groups the events, which all mean contention on pages in the buffer pool.
SQST_INTRNL_LATCH_WAIT_SUMThis group includes all Latch related wait types.
SQST_INTRNL_PARALLEL_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for one of its sub-threads to complete its operation.
SQST_INTRNL_DTC_WAIT_SUMAggregates waits that occur when Distributed Transaction Coordinator sessions are waiting for one another.
SQST_INTRNL_DBMIRROR_WAIT_SUMAggregates a couple of new waits that occur when DB Mirroring is used.
SQST_INTRNL_PROFILER_WAIT_SUMAggregates a number of states associated with the Profiler.
SQST_INTRNL_MEMORY_WAIT_SUMIncludes wait types, all of which mean that a session is waiting for memory to be allocated to it.
SQST_INTRNL_BACKUP_WAIT_SUMIncludes write-ups commonly occurring when a session is doing a BACKUP command.
SQST_INTRNL_OTHER_WAIT_SUMThis aggregates all the waits that do not match into any of the Precise for MS-SQL Server states.
SQST_LOCK_MD_STAT_SUMAggregates lock waits of the MetaData Statistics type.
SQST_LOCK_MD_PART_SUMAggregates lock waits of the MetaData Partition Function type.
SQST_LOCK_MD_OTHER_SUMAggregates lock waits of other MetaData types.
SQST_PC_RECOMPILATIONS_SUMNumber of times this plan has been recompiled while it has remained in the cache.
SQST_PC_CACHE_EVICTIONS_SUMNumber of times the plan has been evicted from the cache.
SQST_PC_EXECUTION_COUNT_SUMNumber of times that the plan has been executed.
SQST_PC_TOTAL_WORKER_TIME_SUMAmount of CPU time that was consumed by executions of this plan.
SQST_PC_PHYSICAL_READS_SUMNumber of physical reads performed by executions of this plan.
SQST_PC_LOGICAL_READS_SUMNumber of logical reads performed by executions of this plan.
SQST_PC_LOGICAL_WRITES_SUMNumber of logical writes performed by executions of this plan.
SQST_PC_CLR_TIME_SUMTime consumed inside CLR objects by executions of this plan.
SQST_PC_ELAPSED_TIME_SUMTotal elapsed time for completed executions of this plan.


Stores application performance statistics per timeslice for every combination of instance, database, program, user, logon, machine, and work type.

The _T table summarizes the data per timeslice.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

Column NameColumn Description
SQSS_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQSS_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQSS_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQSS_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQSS_PROGRAM_IDID of the application program, normalized in table PW_SQPN_PROGRAM_NAMES_N.
SQSS_DATABASE_IDID of the database to which the statement belongs, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.

One of the SQL Server users who executed this statement.

If this statement is not part of a stored procedure, this is the user used as the parsing user when explaining this batch, normalized in table PW_SQUN_USER_NAMES_N.


The name used to log in to the database.

In case of Windows Authentication mode, it contains the domain and the Windows NT user name, normalized in table PW_SQLN_LOGIN_NAMES_N.

SQSS_MACHINE_IDThe ID of the client workstation, normalized in table PW_SQMN_MACHINE_NAMES_N.
SQSS_WORK_TYPEType of session, such as batch, dialog, queue. Used only in ERP components.
SQSS_ERP_IDENTIFIER1_IDID of the ERP entity, normalized in table PW_SQE1_ERP_IDENTIFIERS1_N.
SQSS_ERP_IDENTIFIER2_IDID of the ERP entity, normalized in table PW_SQE2_ERP_IDENTIFIERS2_N.
SQSS_ERP_IDENTIFIER3_IDID of the ERP entity, normalized in table PW_SQE3_ERP_IDENTIFIERS3_N.
SQSS_ERP_IDENTIFIER4_IDID of the ERP entity, normalized in table PW_SQE4_ERP_IDENTIFIERS4_N.
SQSS_TOTAL_INMSSQL_TIME_SUMTotal amount of time SQL Server was actively executing queries. It is also the sum of the columns.
SQSS_TOTAL_DURATION_SUMTotal amount of time SQL Server spent executing this session.
SQSS_REQUEST_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for the client to issue a statement.
SQSS_CPU_SUMAmount of time the process was actively executing a statement.
SQSS_LOCK_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for locks held by other processes to be released. All types of locks are counted.
SQSS_IO_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for I/O operations to terminate.
SQSS_REMOTE_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for remote query to terminate.

Amount of time the process was waiting on an operation on the log file to terminate.

This state is generally encountered during a COMMIT or ROLLBACK operation.

SQSS_SYNC_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to synchronize with another process.
SQSS_INTERNAL_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for an internal resource to be freed.
SQSS_NET_IO_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for the client process to acknowledge data sent to it.
SQSS_PARALLEL_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for one of its sub-threads to complete its operation.
SQSS_INTERNAL_LOCK_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for an internal lock to be released.
SQSS_WAITFOR_COMMAND_SUMAmount of time the process was executing the WAITFOR DELAY command.
SQSS_PARALLEL_EXCHANGE_SUMAmount of time the thread in a parallel session is waiting for data exchange from another thread.
SQSS_NUM_OF_ENDED_SESSIONSNumber of sessions, which ended during the row's timeframe.
SQSS_NUM_OF_SESSIONS_NOT_ENDEDNumber of sessions, which were still open at the end of the row's timeframe.
SQSS_NUM_ENDED_EXECUTIONS_SUMNumber of statement executions, which ended during the row's timeframe.
SQSS_NUM_EXECUTIONS_NOT_ENDEDNumber of statement executions, which were still running at the end of the row's timeframe.
SQSS_STAT_CPU_SUMStatistics summing the amount of the process's read memory usage.
SQSS_STAT_PHYSICAL_IO_SUMNumber of physical disk reads and writes for the process.
SQSS_STAT_MEM_USAGE_MAXNumber of pages in the procedure cache allocated to the process.
SQSS_STAT_OPEN_TRANS_MAXNumber of transactions the process opened.
SQSS_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQSS_LOCKED_ROW_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on a row.
SQSS_LOCKED_KEY_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on an index key or an index key range.
SQSS_LOCKED_PAGE_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on a table or index page.
SQSS_LOCKED_TABLE_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on a table.
SQSS_OTHER_LOCK_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock that is unrecognized by Precise for SQL Server.
SQSS_SLA_RED_SUMNumber of times the average amount of time SQL Server was actively executing the session's statement, exceeded the Breach threshold for the type of program.
SQSS_SLA_YELLOW_SUMNumber of times the average amount of time SQL Server was actively executing the session's statement, exceeded the Near-Breach threshold for the type of program.
SQSS_SLA_GREEN_SUMNumber of times the average amount of time SQL Server was actively executing the session's statement, was below Near-Breach threshold for the type of program.
SQSS_ROWIDUnique row number.
SQSS_TOTAL_INMSSQL_SUMIndicates the total amount of time SQL Server was actively executing queries. It is also the sum of the columns.
SQSS_TOTAL_DURATION_SUMTotal amount of time SQL Server spent executing this statement.
SQSS_REQUEST_WAIT_SUMNot in use in this table.
SQSS_USING_CPU_SUMTotal time of CPU use.
SQSS_LOCK_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for locks held by other processes to be released. All types of locks are counted.
SQSS_IO_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for I/O operations to terminate.
SQSS_REMOTE_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for a remote query to terminate.
SQSS_LOCK_MD_OTHER_SUMTotal time that session waited on Meta Data Lock type.
SQSS_SLA_RED_SUMNumber of times the average amount of time SQL Server was actively executing the statement, exceeded the breach threshold for the type of program.
SQSS_SLA_YELLOW_SUMNumber of times the average amount of time SQL Server was actively executing the statement, exceeded the near-breach threshold for the type of program.
SQSS_SLA_GREEN_SUMNumber of times the average amount of time SQL Server was actively executing the statement, was below the near-breach threshold for the type of program.
SQSS_PC_RECOMPILATIONS_SUMNumber of times this plan has been recompiled while it has remained in the cache.
SQSS_PC_CACHE_EVICTIONS_SUMNumber of times the plan has been evicted from the cache.
SQSS_PC_EVICTION_COUNT_SUMNumber of times that the plan has been executed.
SQSS_PC_TOTAL_WORKER_TIME_SUMAmount of CPU time that was consumed by executions of this plan.
SQSS_PC_PHYSICAL_READS_SUMNumber of physical reads performed by executions of this plan.
SQSS_PC_LOGICAL_READS_SUMNumber of logical reads performed by executions of this plan.
SQSS_PC_LOGICAL_WRITES_SUMNumber of logical writes performed by executions of this plan.
SQSS_PC_CLR_TIME_SUMTime consumed inside CLR objects by executions of this plan.
SQSS_PC_ELAPSED_TIME_SUMTotal elapsed time for completed executions of this plan.


Stores statistics about performance on every combination of statements and session identifiers, such as instance, database, program, user, logon, machine, and work type per timeslice.

The _T table summarizes the data per timeslice.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

Column NameColumn Description
SQSE_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.

Date and time the statistic was sampled.

On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT. On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQSE_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQSE_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQSE_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQSE_PROGRAM_IDID of the application program, normalized in table PW_SQPN_PROGRAM_NAMES_N.
SQSE_DATABASE_IDThe database to which the statement belongs, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.

One of the SQL Server users who executed this statement.

If this statement is not part of a stored procedure, this is the user used as the parsing user when explaining this batch, normalized in table PW_SQUN_USER_NAMES_N.


The name used to log in to the database.

In case of Windows Authentication mode, it contains the domain and the Windows NT user name, normalized in table PW_SQLN_LOGIN_NAMES_N.

SQSE_MACHINE_IDThe ID of the client workstation, normalized in table PW_SQMN_MACHINE_NAMES_N.
SQSE_WORK_TYPEType of session, such as batch, dialog, queue. Used only in ERP components.
SQSE_ERP_IDENTIFIER1_IDID of the ERP entity, normalized in table PW_SQE1_ERP_IDENTIFIERS1_N.
SQSE_ERP_IDENTIFIER2_IDID of the ERP entity, normalized in table PW_SQE2_ERP_IDENTIFIERS2_N.
SQSE_ERP_IDENTIFIER3_IDID of the ERP entity, normalized in table PW_SQE3_ERP_IDENTIFIERS3_N.
SQSE_ERP_IDENTIFIER4_IDID of the ERP entity, normalized in table PW_SQE4_ERP_IDENTIFIERS4_N.
SQSE_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch.
SQSE_STATEMENT_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the statement.
SQSE_COLLAPSED_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch.
SQSE_COLLAPSED_STATEMENT_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch in its collapsed form.
SQSE_TOTAL_INMSSQL_SUMTotal amount of time SQL Server was actively executing queries. It is also the sum of the columns.
SQSE_TOTAL_DURATION_SUMTotal amount of time SQL Server spent executing this statement.
SQSE_REQUEST_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for the client to issue a statement.
SQSE_CPU_SUMAmount of time the process was actively executing a statement.
SQSE_LOCK_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for locks held by other processes to be released. All types of locks are counted.
SQSE_IO_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for I/O operations to terminate.
SQSE_REMOTE_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for a remote query to terminate.
SQSE_LOG_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for an operation on the log file to terminate. This state is generally encountered during a COMMIT or ROLLBACK operation.
SQSE_INTERNAL_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for an internal resource to be freed.
SQSE_NET_IO_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for the client process to acknowledge data sent to it.
SQSE_PARALLEL_EXCHANGE_SUMAmount of time the thread in a parallel session is waiting for data exchange from another thread.
SQSE_NUM_ENDED_EXECUTIONS_SUMNumber of statement executions, which ended during the row's timeframe.
SQSE_NUM_EXECUTIONS_NOT_ENDEDNumber of statement executions, which were still running at the end of the row's timeframe.
SQSE_STAT_CPU_SUMStatistics summing the amount of the process’s read memory usage.
SQSE_STAT_PHYSICAL_IO_SUMNumber of physical disk reads and writes for the process.
SQSE_STAT_MEM_USAGE_MAXNumber of pages in the procedure cache allocated to the process.
SQSE_STAT_OPEN_TRANS_MAXNumber of transaction the process opened.
SQSE_PARALLEL_DEGREE_MINMinimum number of sessions executing this statement in parallel.
SQSE_PARALLEL_DEGREE_MAXMaximum number of sessions executing this statement in parallel.
SQSE_LOCK_ROW_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on a row.
SQSE_LOCK_KEY_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on an index key or an index key range.
SQSE_LOCK_PAGE_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on a table or index page.
SQSE_LOCK_TABLE_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on a table.
SQSE_COMPILE_LOCK_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on a compiled plan for a stored procedure.
SQSE_SLA_RED_SUMNumber of times the average amount of time SQL Server was actively executing the session's statement, exceeded the Breach threshold for the type of program.
SQSE_SLA_YELLOW_SUMNumber of times the average amount of time SQL Server was actively executing the session's statement, exceeded the Near-Breach threshold for the type of program.
SQSE_SLA_GREEN_SUMNumber of times the average amount of time SQL Server was actively executing the session's statement, was below Near-Breach threshold for the type of program.
SQSE_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQSE_ROWIDUnique row number.
SQSE_START_BIT_IDFor future use.
SQSE_CLR_WAIT_SUMGroups all the CLR-related waits.
SQSE_INTERNAL_WAIT_SUMGroups all the waits from Internal groups.
SQSE_NET_IO_WAIT_SUMGroups all I/O related wait types.
SQSE_TEMP_DB_WAIT_SUMGroups I/O / Latch on TempDB pages.
SQSE_IDLE_WAIT_SUMThis group includes the events indicating that a session is waiting for something other than a user request.
SQSE_INTRNL_BP_WAIT_SUMThis state groups the events, which all mean contention on pages in the buffer pool.
SQSE_INTRNL_LATCH_WAIT_SUMThis group includes all Latch related wait types.
SQSE_INTRNL_PARALLEL_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for one of its sub-threads to complete its operation.
SQSE_INTRNL_DTC_WAIT_SUMAggregates waits that occur when Distributed Transaction Coordinator sessions are waiting for one another.
SQSE_INTRNL_DBMIRROR_WAIT_SUMAggregates a couple of new waits that occur when DB Mirroring is used.
SQSE_INTRNL_PROFILER_WAIT_SUMAggregates a number of states associated with the Profiler.
SQSE_INTRNL_MEMORY_WAIT_SUMIncludes wait types, all of which mean that a session is waiting for memory to be allocated to it.
SQSE_INTRNL_BACKUP_WAIT_SUMIncludes wait types commonly occurring when a session is doing a BACKUP command.
SQSE_INTRNL_OTHER_WAIT_SUMThis aggregates all the waits that do not match into any of the Precise for MS-SQL Server states.
SQSE_NUM_OF_ENDED_SESSIONS_SUMNumber of sessions, which ended during the row's timeframe.
SQSE_NUM_OF_SESSIONS_NOT_ENDEDNumber of sessions, which were still open at the end of the row's timeframe.
SQSE_LOCK_MD_STAT_SUMAggregates lock waits of the MetaData Statistics type.
SQSE_LOCK_MD_PART_SUMAggregates lock waits of the MetaData Partition Function type.
SQSE_LOCK_MD_OTHER_SUMAggregates lock waits of other MetaData types.
SQSE_PC_RECOMPILATIONS_SUMNumber of times this plan has been recompiled while it has remained in the cache.
SQSE_PC_CACHE_EVICTIONS_SUMNumber of times the plan has been evicted from the cache.
SQSE_PC_EXECUTION_COUNT_SUMNumber of times that the plan has been executed.
SQSE_PC_TOTAL_WORKER_TIME_SUMAmount of CPU time that was consumed by executions of this plan.
SQSE_PC_PHYSICAL_READS_SUMNumber of physical reads performed by executions of this plan.
SQSE_PC_LOGICAL_READS_SUMNumber of logical reads performed by executions of this plan.
SQSE_PC_LOGICAL_WRITES_SUMNumber of logical writes performed by executions of this plan.
SQSE_PC_CLR_TIME_SUMTime consumed inside CLR objects by executions of this plan.
SQSE_PC_ELAPSED_TIME_SUMTotal elapsed time for completed executions of this plan.


Stores application performance statistics per timeslice for every combination of instance and database.

The _T table summarizes the data per timeslice.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

Column NameColumn Description
SQNS_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.

Date and time the statistic was sampled.

On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT. On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQNS_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQNS_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQNS_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQNS_DATABASE_IDThe database to which the statement belongs, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.
SQNS_TOTAL_INMSSQL_SUMTotal amount of time SQL Server was actively executing queries. It is also the sum of the columns.
SQNS_TOTAL_DURATION_SUMTotal amount of time SQL Server spent executing this statement.
SQNS_REQUEST_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for the client to issue a statement.
SQNS_CPU_SUMAmount of time the process was actively executing a statement.
SQNS_LOCK_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for locks held by other processes to be released. All types of locks are counted.
SQNS_IO_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for I/O operations to terminate.
SQNS_REMOTE_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for a remote query to terminate.
SQNS_LOG_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for an operation on the log file to terminate. This state is generally encountered during a COMMIT or ROLLBACK operation.
SQNS_INTERNAL_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for an internal resource to be freed.
SQNS_NET_IO_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for the client process to acknowledge data sent to it.
SQNS_PARALLEL_EXCHANGE_SUMAmount of time the thread in a parallel session is waiting for data exchange from another thread.
SQNS_NUM_OF_ENDED_SESSIONS_SUMNumber of sessions, which ended during the row's timeframe.
SQNS_NUM_OF_SESSIONS_NOT_ENDEDNumber of sessions, which were still open at the end of the row's timeframe.
SQNS_NUM_ENDED_EXECUTIONS_SUMNumber of statement executions, which ended during the row's timeframe.
SQNS_NUM_EXECUTIONS_NOT_ENDEDNumber of statement executions, which were still running at the end of the row's timeframe.
SQNS_STAT_CPU_SUMStatistics summing the amount of the process's read memory usage.
SQNS_STAT_PHYSICAL_IO_SUMNumber of physical disk reads and writes for the process.
SQNS_STAT_MEM_USAGE_MAXNumber of pages in the procedure cache allocated to the process.
SQNS_STAT_OPEN_TRANS_MAXNumber of transaction the process opened.
SQNS_LOCK_ROW_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on a row.
SQNS_LOCK_KEY_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on an index key or an index key range.
SQNS_LOCK_PAGE_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on a table or index page.
SQNS_LOCK_TABLE_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock on a table.
SQNS_OTHER_LOCK_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting to acquire a lock that is unrecognized by Precise for SQL Server.
SQNS_SLA_RED_SUMNumber of times the average amount of time SQL Server was actively executing the session's statement, exceeded the Breach threshold for the type of program.
SQNS_SLA_YELLOW_SUMNumber of times the average amount of time SQL Server was actively executing the session's statement, exceeded the Near-Breach threshold for the type of program.
SQNS_SLA_GREEN_SUMNumber of times the average amount of time SQL Server was actively executing the session's statement, was below Near-Breach threshold for the type of program.
SQNS_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQNS_ROWIDUnique row number.
SQNS_INTRNL_BO_WAIT_SUMThis state groups the events, which all mean contention on pages in the buffer pool.
SQNS_INTRNL_LATCH_WAIT_SUMThis group includes all Latch related wait types.
SQNS_INTRNL_PARALLEL_WAIT_SUMAggregates the waits that indicates that session is waiting for one of its sub-threads to complete its operation.
SQNS_INTRNL_DTC_WAIT_SUMAggregates waits that occur when Distributed Transaction Coordinator sessions are waiting for one another.
SQNS_INTRNL_DBMIRROR_WAIT_SUMAggregates a couple of new waits that occur when DB Mirroring is used.
SQNS_INTRNL_PROFILER_WAIT_SUMAggregates a number of states associated with the Profiler.
SQNS_INTRNL_MEMORY_WAIT_SUMIncludes wait types, all of which mean that a session is waiting for memory to be allocated to it.
SQNS_INTRNL_BACKUP_WAIT_SUMIncludes wait type commonly occurring when a session is doing a BACKUP command.
SQNS_INTRNL_OTHER_WAIT_SUMThis aggregates all the waits that do not match any of the Precise for MS-SQL Server states.
SQNS_PC_RECOMPILATIONS_SUMNumber of times this plan has been recompiled while it has remained in the cache.
SQNS_PC_CACHE_EVICTIONS_SUMNumber of times the plan has been evicted from the cache.
SQNS_PC_EXECUTION_COUNT_SUMNumber of times that the plan has been executed
SQNS_PC_TOTAL_WORKER_TIME_SUMAmount of CPU time that was consumed by executions of this plan.
SQNS_PC_PHYSICAL_READS_SUMNumber of physical reads performed by executions of this plan.
SQNS_PC_LOGICAL_READS_SUMNumber of logical reads performed by executions of this plan.
SQNS_PC_LOGICAL_WRITES_SUMNumber of logical writes performed by executions of this plan.
SQNS_PC_CLR_TIME_SUMTime consumed inside CLR objects by executions of this plan.
SQNS_PC_ELAPSED_TIME_SUMTotal elapsed time for completed executions of this plan.
SQNS_LOCK_MD_STAT_SUMAggregates lock waits of MetaData Statistics type.
SQNS_LOCK_MD_PART_SUMAggregates lock waits of MetaData Partition Function type.
SQNS_LOCK_MD_OTHER_SUMAggregates lock waits of other MetaData types.
SQNS_CLR_WAIT_SUMGroups all the CLR-related waits.
SQNS_INTERNAL_WAIT_SUMGroups all the waits from Internal groups.
SQNS_NET_IO_WAIT_SUMGroups all I/O related wait types.
SQNS_TEMP_DB_WAIT_SUMGroups I/O / Latch on TempDB pages.
SQNS_IDLE_WAIT_SUMThis group will include the events indicating that a session is waiting for something other than a user request.
SQNS_INTRNL_BP_WAIT_SUMThis state groups the events, which all mean contention on pages in the buffer pool.
SQNS_INTRNL_LATCH_WAIT_SUMThis group includes all Latch related wait types.
SQNS_INTRNL_PARALLEL_WAIT_SUMAggregates the waits that indicate that a session is waiting for one of its sub-threads to complete its operation.
SQNS_INTRNL_DTC_WAIT_SUMAggregates waits that occur when Distributed Transaction Coordinator sessions are waiting for one another.
SQNS_INTRNL_DBMIRROR_WAIT_SUMAggregates a couple of new waits that occur when DB Mirroring is used.
SQNS_INTRNL_PROFILER_WAIT_SUMAggregates a number of states associated with the Profiler.
SQNS_INTRNL_MEMORY_WAIT_SUMIncludes wait types, all of which mean that a session is waiting for memory to be allocated to it.
SQNS_INTRNL_BACKUP_WAIT_SUMIncludes wait types commonly occurring when a session is doing a BACKUP command.
SQNS_INTRNL_OTHER_WAIT_SUMThis aggregates all the waits that do not match into any of the Precise for MS-SQL Server states.


Holds performance statistics on datafiles over time. Stores performance statistics on datafiles per timeslice for every combination of instance, database, program, user, batch, statement and locked object.

The _T table summarizes the data per timeslice.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

Column NameColumn Description
SQFA_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQFA_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQFA_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQFA_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQFA_PROGRAM_IDID of the application program, normalized in table PW_SQPN_PROGRAM_NAMES_N.
SQFA_DATABASE_IDThe database to which the statement belongs, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.

One of the SQL Server users who executed this statement.

If this statement is not part of a stored procedure, this is the user used as the parsing user when explaining this batch, normalized in table PW_SQUN_USER_NAMES_N.

SQFA_WORK_TYPEType of session, such as batch, dialog, queue. Used only in ERP components.
SQFA_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch.
SQFA_STATEMENT_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the statement.
SQFA_COLLAPSED_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch.
SQFA_COLLAPSED_STATEMENT_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch in its collapsed form.
SQFA_PHYSICAL_FILE_IDID of the physical file, normalized in table PW_SQFN_FILE_NAMES_N.
SQFA_LOGICAL_FILE_IDID of the logical file, normalized in table PW_SQFN_FILE_NAMES_N.
SQFA_UNIT_IDID of the storage device.
SQFA_DEVICE_NAMEName of the storage device.
SQFA_SFW_DISK_NUMBERThe storage for the Windows disk number as it appears in the Disk Management window in the Computer Management application.
SQFA_IO_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for I/O operations to terminate.
SQFA_FILE_DATABASE_IDID of the file database, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.
SQFA_FILE_GROUP_IDGroup to which the file belongs.
SQFA_DEVICE_TYPEType of the storage device.
SQFA_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.

Unique row number.


Holds statistics on datafiles over time.

Column NameColumn Description
SQDS_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQDS_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQDS_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQDS_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQDS_DATABASE_IDID of the database, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.
SQDS_PHYSICAL_FILE_IDID of the physical file, normalized in table PW_SQFN_FILE_NAMES_N.
SQDS_LOGICAL_FILE_IDID of the logical file, normalized in table PW_SQFN_FILE_NAMES_N.
SQDS_UNIT_IDID of the storage device.
SQDS_DEVICE_NAMEName of the storage device.
SQDS_SFW_DISK_NUMBERThe storage for Windows disk number as appears in the Disk Management window in the Computer Management application.
SQDS_IO_WAIT_SUMSum of the I/O wait spent on the device.
SQDS_FILE_DATABASE_IDID of the file database, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.
SQDS_FILE_GROUP_IDGroup to which the file belongs.
SQDS_DEVICE_TYPEType of the storage device.
SQDS_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQDS_ROWIDUnique row number.


Stores statement lock statistics per timeslice for every combination of instance, database, program, user, batch, statement and locked object.

The _T table summarizes the data per timeslice.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

Column NameColumn Description
SQLA_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQLA_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQLA_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQLA_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQLA_PROGRAM_IDID of the application program, normalized in table PW_SQPN_PROGRAM_NAMES_N.
SQLA_DATABASE_IDThe database to which the statement belongs, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.

One of the SQL Server users who executed this statement.

If this statement is not part of a stored procedure, this is the user used as the parsing user when explaining this batch, normalized in table PW_SQUN_USER_NAMES_N.

SQLA_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch.
SQLA_STATEMENT_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the statement.
SQLA_COLLAPSED_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch.
SQLA_COLLAPSED_STATEMENT_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch in its collapsed form.
SQLA_WORK_TYPEType of session, such as batch, dialog, queue. Used only in ERP components.
SQLA_LOCKED_OBJECT_TYPEType of object being locked (such as table and file).
SQLA_LOCKED_OBJECT_IDThe ID of the locked object, normalized in table PW_SQKN_LOCKED_OBJECT_NAMES_N.




These three columns combine together the locked object's identifier in SQL Server. For example: a locked index is represented by:

  • Database id
  • Table object id
  • Index id
SQLA_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQLA_ROWIDUnique row number.
SQLA_LOCK_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for locks held by other processes to be released. All types of locks are counted.


Stores application lock statistics per timeslice for every combination of Instance, database and locked objects.

The _T table summarizes the data per timeslice.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

Column NameColumn Description
SQLO_PWII_INSTANCEID of the SQL Server instance.
SQLO_TIMESTAMPDate and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT. On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQLO_PWHG_ID should be used.
SQLO_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQLO_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQLO_DATABASE_IDID of the database to which the statement belongs, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.
SQLO_LOCK_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for locks held by other processes to be released. All types of locks are counted.
SQLO_LOCKED_OBJECT_TYPEType of object being locked, such as table and file.
SQLO_LOCKED_OBJECT_IDThe ID of the locked object, normalized in table PW_SQKN_LOCKED_OBJECT_NAMES_N.




These three columns combine together the locked object's identifier in SQL Server. For example: a locked index is represented by:

  • Database id
  • Table object id
  • Index id
SQLO_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQLO_ROWIDUnique row number.


Holds statements collected by the Precise for SQL Server collector and statements inserted through the statement workshop (SQL workspace). The table holds one row per statement and connects it to the first batch in which the statement was sampled. You can join the statement with other batches run, but only for statistics tables. (PW_SQST_STATEMENTS_STATS or PW_STSE_SESS_STATEMENTS_STATS).

Column NameColumn Description
SQSM_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQSM_STATEMENT_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the statement.
SQSM_STATEMENT_IDUnique identifier (string) assigned to the statement.
SQSM_COLLAPSED_STATEMENT_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the statement in its collapsed form.
SQSM_COLLAPSED_STATEMENT_IDUnique identifier (string) assigned to the statement in its collapsed form.
SQSM_INSERT_TIMEDate and time the statement was saved in the database.

One of the SQL Server users who executed this statement.

If this statement is not part of a stored procedure, this is the user used as the parsing user when explaining this batch.


One of the SQL Server users who executed this statement.

If this statement is not part of a stored procedure, this is the user used as the parsing user when explaining this batch, normalized in table PW_SQUN_USE_NAMES_N.

SQSM_WORKSHOP_HVUnique identifier (Number) assigned to statements inserted in the SQL workspace.

Indicates how the statement was loaded. Possible values:

  • PMDB. Sampled and loaded by the Collector.
  • Manually. Entered through the statement workshop (SQL workspace).
  • Saved automatically. Explained from the Current workspace or Activity workspace.
SQSM_LAST_EXPLAINEDLast time the statement was explained.

Indicates an error during the explain of the statement. If Y, do not try to re-explain.

SQSM_EXPLAIN_ERROR_MSGError that occurred during the last explain process.
SQSM_LAST_ACC_PATH_CHANGEDLast time the access plan of the statement changed.
SQSM_ACCESS_PATH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the access plan of the statement.

Estimated cost of the statement’s execution. A high cost value may indicate a problem in the current implementation of the statement.

To determine which operation may have caused the problem, you can use the Estimated Cost Breakdown graph to drill down easily and see the most resource consuming operation.

To determine whether the operation is an I/O consuming operation or a CPU consuming operation (or both), check the Estimated I/O cost and Estimated CPU cost values.

SQSM_DATABASE_NAMEName of the database to which the statement belongs.
SQSM_DATABASE_IDID of the database, in which the statement belongs, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.
SQSM_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch. Only the first batch appears.
SQSM_COLLAPSED_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch. Only the first batch appears.
SQSM_STATEMENT_OFFSETThe offset of the statement in the first batch sampled, running the statement by the Collector agent.
SQSM_STATEMENT_LENGTHLength of the statement in the first batch sampled running the statement.
SQSM_STATEMENT_ID_IN_BATCHStatement number in the first batch sampled running the statement.
SQSM_START_EXEC_ORDER_IN_BATCHExecution order the statement started with in the access plan of the batch.
SQSM_START_TREE_LEVELStart level of the statement in the access plan of the batch.
SQSM_EXPLAIN_USAGE_MAPInternal bit representative of the types of the operators in the execution plan.
SQSM_ACTUAL_PLAN_INDMS-SQL 2005 only. Indication if the last execution plan of the statement is Actual or estimate.
SQSM_MISS_INDEXES_IMPACTMS-SQL 2005 only. Indication if the last execution plan of the statement has missing indexes indication.
SQSM_STATEMENT_TYPERepresenting the type of the statement. Such as INSERT and SELECT.


Holds information on batches.

Column NameColumn Description
SQBA_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQBA_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch.
SQBA_COLLAPSED_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch in its collapsed form.

One of the SQL Server users who executed this batch.

If this batch is a stored procedure, this is the user used as the parsing user when explaining this batch.


One of the SQL Server users who executed this batch.

If this batch is a stored procedure, this is the user used as the parsing user when explaining this batch, normalized in table PW_SQUN_USER_NAMES_N.

SQBA_DATABASE_NAMEName of the database to which the batch belongs.
SQBA_DATABASE_IDThe ID of the database, to which the batch belongs, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.
SQBA_BATCH_IDUnique identifier (string) assigned to the batch.
SQBA_COLLAPSED_BATCH_IDUnique identifier (string) assigned to the batch in its collapsed form.
SQBA_LAST_EXPLAINEDLast time the statement was explained.
SQBA_DO_NOT_EXPLAINIndicates an error during the explain of the statement. If Y, do not try to re-explain.
SQBA_EXPLAIN_ERROR_MSGError that occurred during the last explain process.
SQBA_LAST_ACC_PATH_CHANGEDLast time the access plan of the batch changed.
SQBA_ACCESS_PATH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the access plan.

Estimated cost of the statement’s execution. A high cost value may indicate a problem in the current implementation of the statement.

To determine which operation may have caused the problem, you can use the Estimated Cost Breakdown graph to drill down easily and see the most resource consuming operation.

To determine whether the operation is an I/O consuming operation or a CPU consuming operation (or both), check the Estimated I/O cost and Estimated CPU cost values.

SQBA_PROC_DB_IDID of the database that holds the stored procedure.
SQBA_PROC_OBJECT_IDID of the stored procedure.
SQBA_EXPLAIN_USAGE_MAPInternal bit representative of the types of the operators in the execution plan.
SQBA_ACTUAL_PLAN_INDMS-SQL 2005 only. Indication if the last execution plan of the batch is Actual or estimate.
SQBA_MISS_INDEXES_IMPACTMS-SQL 2005 only. Indication if the last execution plan of the batch has missing indexes indication.
SQBA_DOTNET_HVUsed for correlation between Precise for Microsoft .NET and Precise for MS SQL Server.
SQBA_MIGRATEDData migration process only. Used to update several columns and distinguish between new batches and previous batches.
SQBA_CONSISTENT_HVUsed for correlation between all the other products and Precise for MS SQL Server.


Holds information on the SQL Server instances monitored by Precise.

Column NameColumn Description
SQIN_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQIN_CLUSTER_IDUsed to share text of statements and batches between instances.
SQIN_SYSTEM_NAMEServer on which the Collector agent is installed.
SQIN_INSTANCE_NAMEName of the monitored SQL Server instance.
SQIN_LAST_PW_EXPLAIN_DATELast date the explain process run.
SQIN_LAST_PERF_LOAD_DATELast date the instance performance was loaded.
SQIN_LAST_STMT_LOAD_DATELast date the statement text was loaded.
SQIN_DB_FILES_LAST_SAMPLELast date the process Collect DB Files Statistics ran.
SQIN_LAST_AVAIL_LOADEDLast date the instance availability was loaded.
SQIN_LAST_AVAIL_LOADED_DBLast date the database availability was loaded.
SQIN_UNAVAIL_DB_STATUSCombination of database statuses to classify a database as unavailable.
SQIN_POINTS_INSTALLEDArray of bits indicating which Interpoints and Precise for Storage are installed.
SQIN_INSTANCE_TYPEUser defined instance group name. And be updated by using stored procedure SQ_UPDATE_INSTANCE_TYPE.
SQIN_JOB_SAMPLE_STATUSThe status of job changes load (part of Collect Schema changes).
SQIN_SCHEDULE_SAMPLE_STATUSThe status of job schedule changes load (part of Collect Schema changes).
SQIN_STEP_SAMPLE_STATUSThe status of job step changes load (part of Collect Schema changes).
SQIN_INSTANCE_VERSIONThe version of the MS-SQL Server instance.
SQIN_COSTS_PURGED_TO_DATEA date until which historical data in the execution plan costs table was cleaned by Purge Internal Data process.


Holds information on grouping the changes, on which we track to groups. For example groups that contained schema changes and groups that contained instance/database definitions.

Column NameColumn Description
SQCG_GROUP_IDID of group1 for schema changes and of group 2 for instance/database definitions.
SQCG_DATA_CHANGEDName of the property that was changed.


Maps SQL Server performance counter names to the Precise PMDB tables and columns.

Column NameColumn Description
SQPC_OBJECT_NAMEName of the performance Group as it appears in Microsoft SQL Server.
SQPC_COUNTER_NAMEName of the performance Counter as it appears in Microsoft SQL Server.
SQPC_INSTANCE_NAMEName of the performance Instance as it appears in Microsoft SQL Server.
SQPC_TABLE_NAMEName of the table in the Precise PMDB, which holds the value.
SQPC_COLUMN_NAMEName of the column in the Precise PMDB, which holds the value.
SQPC_SCALEThe scale of the value, in case it shows with other statistics.
SQPC_FROM_VERSIONCounter from based on MS-SQL version.
SQPC_TILL_VERSIONCounter till based on MS-SQL version.


Holds information on network activities of the SQL Server instance.

Column NameColumn Description
SQNK_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQNK_PWII_INSTANCE_NAMEName of the network interface card.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQNK_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQNK_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQNK_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.

The average length of the output packet queue, in packets.

If this is longer than 2, delays are being experienced and the bottleneck should be found and eliminated if possible.

Because the requests are queued by NDIS in this implementation, this will always be 0.


The maximum length of the output packet queue, in packets.

If this is longer than 2, delays are being experienced and the bottleneck should be found and eliminated if possible.

Because the requests are queued by NDIS in this implementation, this will always be 0.

SQNK_PACKETS_SENT_AVGThe average rate at which packets are sent on the network interface.
SQNK_PACKETS_SENT_MAXThe highest rate at which packets are sent on the network interface.
SQNK_PACKETS_RECEIVED_AVGThe average rate at which packets are received on the network interface.
SQNK_PACKETS_RECEIVED_MAXThe highest rate at which packets are received on the network interface.
SQNK_BYTES_SENT_AVGThe average rate at which bytes are sent on the interface, including framing characters.
SQNK_BYTES_SENT_MAXThe highest rate at which bytes are sent on the interface, including framing characters.
SQNK_BYTES_RECEIVED_AVGThe average rate at which bytes are received on the interface, including framing characters.
SQNK_BYTES_RECEIVED_MAXThe highest rate at which bytes are received on the interface, including framing characters.
SQNK_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQNK_ROWIDUnique row number.


Holds information on the SQL Server instance jobs.

The _D table summarizes the data per day.

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

Column NameColumn Description
SQJS_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQJS_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQJS_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQJS_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQJS_JOB_NAMEName of the job.
SQJS_JOB_IDID of the job, normalized in table PW_SQE3_ERP_IDENTIFIERS3_N.
SQJS_DURATION_SUMTotal elapsed time. This counter is reported by the SQL Server and not by the I4SQL collector.
SQJS_EXECUTION_SUMTotal number of job executions.
SQJS_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQJS_ROWIDUnique row number.


Holds information on the SQL Server instance job steps.

The _D table summarizes the data per day.

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

Column NameColumn Description
SQJT_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.

Date and time the statistic was sampled. On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQJT_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQJT_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQJT_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQJT_JOB_NAMEName of the job.
SQJT_JOB_IDID of the job, normalized in table PW_SQE3_ERP_IDENTIFIERS3_N.
SQJT_STEP_IDID of the step, normalized in table PW_SQE4_ERP_IDENTIFIERS4_N.
SQJT_DURATION_SUMTotal elapsed time. This counter is reported by the SQL Server and not by the Precise for SQL Server Collector agent.
SQJT_EXECUTION_SUMTotal number of job executions.
SQJT_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQJT_ROWIDUnique row number.


Holds information on the SQL Server instance MTNC job changes.

Column NameColumn Description
SQCJ_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQCJ_JOB_NAMENumber of the job that was changed.
SQCJ_START_STEP_NAMEName of the first step that should run.
SQCJ_CATEGORY_NAMEThe job's category name.
SQCJ_OWNER_NAMEThe job's owner.
SQCJ_EVENT_LOG_NOTIFY_LEVELWhen to write to log.
SQCJ_EMAIL_OPERATOR_NAMETo whom to send E-mail.
SQCJ_DELETE_LEVELWhen to do automatic delete.


Holds information on the SQL Server instance MTNC job step changes.

Column NameColumn Description
SQCT_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQCT_JOB_NAMENumber of the job that was changed.
SQCT_STEP_NAMEJob step name.
SQCT_SUB_SYSTEM_NAMEName of the subsystem used by the SQL Server Agent to execute the job step.
SQCT_COMMAND_TEXTCommand to be executed.
SQCT_ON_SUCCESS_ACTIONAction to be performed when a step is executed successfully.
SQCT_ON_SUCCESS_NEXT_STEP_NAMEThe name of the next step to execute when a step name executed successfully.
SQCT_ON_FAIL_ACTIONAction to be performed when a step is not executed successfully.
SQCT_ON_FAIL_NEXT_STEP_NAMEThe name of the next step to to execute when a step is not executed successfully.
SQCT_DATABASE_NAMEName of the database in which the command is executed.
SQCT_DATABASE_USER_NAMEName of the database user whose account will be used when executing the step.
SQCT_RETRY_ATTEMPTSNumber of retry attempts made if the step fails.
SQCT_RETRY_INTERVALAmount of time to wait between retry attempts.


Holds information on the SQL Server instance MTNC change log.

Column NameColumn Description
SQCH_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQCH_ENTITY_TYPEType of the entity that was changed.
SQCH_ENTITY_NAMEName of the entity that was changed.
SQCH_PARENT_ENTITY_NAMEThe name of the parent entity that was changed.
SQCH_CHANGE_TYPEType of the performed change (Created, Dropped, Updated).
SQCH_DATA_CHANGEDName of the property that was changed.
SQCH_OLD_VALUEOld value, before the change.
SQCH_NEW_VALUENew value, after the change.


Holds information on the statement execution plan.

Column NameColumn Description
SQEC_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQEC_DATABASE_NAMEName of the database in which the change occurred.

One of the SQL Server users who executed this statement.

If this statement is not part of a stored procedure, this is the user used as the parsing user when explaining this batch.

SQEC_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch.

Unique identifier (number) assigned to statements inserted in the statement workshop workspace.

Statements loaded into the PW have the value.

SQEC_EXPLAIN_TIMEDate and time the batch was explained and its access plan was changed.
SQEC_STATEMENT_ID_IN_BATCHA statement number in the first batch sampled running the statement.
SQEC_OPERATOR_IDSequence order of this operation in the access plan for a statement.
SQEC_PREDICATE_IDSequent of the predicate.
SQEC_OBJ_DATABASE_NAMEDatabase name of the object accessed in this operation.
SQEC_OBJ_OWNER_NAMEOwner of the object accessed in this operation.
SQEC_OBJ_NAMEName of the object accessed in this operation.
SQEC_OBJ_NAME_ALIASAlias of the object accessed in this operation.
SQEC_COLUMN_NAMEName of the column of the object that was changed.
SQEC_USED_IN_SEEKIndicates whether the column in the specified operator is used in a seek action. The value can be Y/N.
SQEC_LAST_EXPLAIN_INDIndicates that this operation belongs to the last explain of the batch.
SQEC_UNION_IDThe Union ID to which the column belongs (starting from 0) when the statement contains union.


Holds the text of batches.

Column NameColumn Description
SQBX_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch.
SQBX_BATCH_TEXTThe text of the batch.


Holds the list of SmarTune findings that will not be displayed in the SmarTune workspace if the user marked them to be ignored.

Column NameColumn Description
SQIF_STATEMENT_HVFor the heavy collapsed statement, it contains the collapsed hash value.
SQIF_DATABASE_IDFor the heavy statement and heavy collapsed statement types, this is the database ID at which the statement was running, normalized at PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.

For the heavy statement and heavy collapsed statement types, this is the database name on which the statement was running.

For the heavy object finding type, it is the table's database name.


One of the MS-SQL Server users who executed this statement.

If this statement is not part of a stored procedure, this is the user used as the parsing user when explaining this batch, normalized in table PW_SQUN_USER_NAMES_N.


For the heavy statement and heavy collapsed statements, this is the user that runs the statement.

For the heavy object finding, this is the owner of the table.

SQIF_FULL_OBJECT_IDFor the heavy object finding, this is the Ignored table ID, normalized in table PW_SQKN_LOCKED_OBJECT_NAMES_N.

The type of the finding:

  • 1: Heavy Statement
  • 2: Heavy Object
  • 3: Heavy Collapsed Statement
  • 4: Instance event
SQIF_UI_USER_NAMEThis is the user (login) that asked the finding to be ignored.
SQIF_INSTANCE_PROBLEM_IDFor the Instance event finding, it contains the instance event ID.


Holds all the object operators per object.

Column NameColumn Description
SQEJ_DATABASE_NAMEName of the database.

One of the MS-SQL Server users who executed this statement.

If this statement is not part of a stored procedure, this is the user used as the parsing user when explaining this batch.

SQEJ_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch. Only the first batch appears.

Unique identifier (Number) assigned to statements inserted in the statement workshop workspace.

Statements loaded into the PMDB get this the value.

SQEJ_STATEMENT_ID_IN_BATCHA statement number in the first batch sampled running the statement.
SQEJ_EXPLAIN_TIMEDate and time the batch was explained and its access plan was changed.
SQEJ_OPERATOR_IDSequence order of this operation in the access plan for a statement.
SQEJ_OPERATOR_TYPEPhysical operation in the access plan.
SQEJ_OBJ_DATABASE_NAMEDatabase name of the object accessed in this operation.
SQEJ_OBJ_OWNER_NAMEOwner of the object accessed in this operation.
SQEJ_OBJ_NAMEName of the object accessed in this operation.
SQEJ_OBJ_NAME_ALIASAlias name of the object accessed in this operation.
SQEJ_INDEX_NAMEName of the index accessed in this operation. Otherwise NULL.
SQEJ_CONTRIBUTION_RATIOContribution value of the object in this operation to the statement.
SQEJ_MISS_INDEXES_INDIndicator if indexes are missing in this operation.

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