Beginning with version 9.9 (June 2018), you can install the Precise framework on AWS and Azure as well as monitor VMs in those environments.

While the Precise installation process is relatively straight forward, installing in an AWS or Azure environment includes some unique requirements. You must make sure that the correct inbound rules are open in AWS or Azure.

Installing the Precise Framework

For information about installing the Precise Framework, see Precise framework installation.

Installing Precise for databases

For information about installing Precise for databases, see:

Precise Ports

In order to access Precise and the monitored VMs, you must open certain ports. These ports must be open for environments that are on-premise as well as those that are on Cloud based environments.

The following table shows the standard set of ports that must be open.

Precise ComponentPortNote
Precise GUI

Precise Framework

Precise Listener

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