To access SQL Diagnostic Manager over HTTPS with a self signed certificate you may need to enable SSL on SQL Diagnostic Manager REST service, and add a certificate.

Use a self-signed certificate

Use a self-signed certificate works only when IDERA Dashboard and SQL Diagnostic Manager are installed on a local machine.

Creating a self signed certificate

Before binding a certificate to SQL Diagnostic Manager, add a certificate for IDERA Dashboard. For information on how to create a self signed certificate for Dashboard refer to Resolving the certificate error message.

Binding a certificate to SQL Diagnostic Manager

Create a self signed certificate for the Dashboard found in the Resolving the certificate error message paged. Additionally, bind a certificate by following the instructions below:

  1. Export a private key using Key Store Explorer.
  2. Run the following command in CMD as Administrator:

    openssl pkcs12 -export -out <output_certificate_name>.pfx -inkey <key_name>.key -in <certificte_name>.cer

    You need the private key generated in the previous step and the CER certificate created in Resolving+the+certificate+error+message.

  3. Import the generated PFX certificate in the Personal folder under the Certificate store.
  4. Retrieve the thumbprint of the PFX certificate, for information on how to do this refer to Retrieving a Thumbprint.
  5. Remove any existing bindings from Inventory Manager 2.6 REST service SSL port 9276, run the following command in CMD as Administrator:

    netsh http delete ssl
  6. Add the new binding for SQL Diagnostic Manager by running the following command in CMD as Adminstrator:

    netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=<certificate hash> appid=<random GUID> clientcertnegotiation=enable

To add a certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store in Windows, refer to Manage Trusted Root Certificates.

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