The SQL Safe wizard helps you install SQL Safe on our common technology framework: the IDERA Dashboard

Review the following sections before your installation:

Installing the IDERA Dashboard and SQL Safe components

If you choose to install both the IDERA Dashboard and all SQL Safe components, then follow these steps:

Unique display names help you distinguish different instances of the same product if you have multiple installs. Use display names that refer to location or functionality, such as "SQLSafeWest" or "SQLSafeProd."

If you are using the same account for all services, check the option Use the same account for all services to avoid typing the credentials several times.

Installing only the IDERA Dashboard

If you select to only install the IDERA Dashboard, provide the following information:

Installing only SQL Safe components

If you already have the IDERA Dashboard installed elsewhere and you only want to install the SQL Safe components, then follow these steps:

Unique display names help you distinguish different instances of the same product if you have multiple installs. Use display names that refer to location or functionality, such as "SQL Safe West" or "SQL Safe Prod."

Take into that you should have the latest version of the IDERA Dashboard to install SQL Safe components on it.

Installing only SQL Safe Backup Agent 

If you only want to install the SQL Safe Backup Agent on your SQL Server instance, then follow these steps:

Accessing SQL Safe with IDERA Dashboard

To access the IDERA Dashboard, type the following URL into your browser: //localhost:9290 or the port you specified.

Logging into the Web Application

To log into SQL Safe web application you can use one of the following alternatives:

SQL Safe is a high-performance backup and recovery solution for your SQL Servers. Learn more > >
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