The Excluded Objects step allows you to exclude various database objects by name.
The following fragment is the xml generated when a few objects have been excluded from the comparison by name:
<Object Type="Table" Schema="HumanResources" Name="Employee" Include="false" />
<Object Type="Table" Schema="HumanResources" Name="EmployeeAddress" Include="false" />
<Object Type="Table" Schema="Sales" Name="Customer" Include="false" />
<Object Type="Table" Schema="Sales" Name="CustomerAddress" Include="false" />
<Object Type="Table" Schema="Sales" Name="SalesOrderDetail" Include="false" />
<Object Type="View" Schema="HumanResources" Name="vEmployee" Include="false" />
<Object Type="View" Schema="HumanResources" Name="vEmployeeDepartment" Include="false" />
<Object Type="StoredProcedure" Schema="dbo" Name="uspLogError" Include="false" />
<Object Type="StoredProcedure" Schema="dbo" Name="uspPrintError" Include="false" />