Sybase DBA Tools - Session Manager
Provides manageability for database sessions including user locks that allows a user to monitor and kill sessions.

Toolbar Operations - Depending on the Tab selected, there are different Toolbar Operations available.

Available Operations for Sessions tab
Refresh : Refresh all the tab results from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/ Headers and Row counts: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else needed
Refresh Seconds: Enables the interval in which to refresh the tabs if you check the "Auto Refresh" box
Auto Refresh: Indicates whether to refresh the tab results automatically every X number of seconds determined by the "Refresh Seconds"
Expand All: Expands all tree nodes in the tree tab
Collapse All: Collapses all tree nodes in the tree tab
Kill Session: Allows to kill selected session
Last SQL: Shows a SQL extraction for the session selected
Show Plan: Shows the plan of the selected session
Group Sessions: Allows to group running sessions by User, Program Name, Database, Status, Host Name, and Command, allowing to locate sessions easier
Toggle status color coding: Shows colors to differentiate the status of the sessions

Available Operations for Sessions Stats
Refresh : Refresh all the tab results from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/ Headers and Row counts: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else needed
Refresh Seconds: Enables the interval in which to refresh the tabs if you check the "Auto Refresh" box
Auto Refresh: Indicates whether to refresh the tab results automatically every X number of seconds determined by the "Refresh Seconds"

Available Operations for Locks tab
Refresh : Refresh all the tab results from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/ Headers and Row counts: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else needed
Refresh Seconds: Enables the interval in which to refresh the tabs if you check the "Auto Refresh" box
Auto Refresh: Indicates whether to refresh the tab results automatically every X number of seconds determined by the "Refresh Seconds"

Sessions Tab - Provides a list of sessions currently held by the Sybase server, as a tree view

User: Server user name (login)
Process ID: Process ID
FID: Process ID of the worker process’ parent
Kernel Process ID: Kernel process ID
Engine Num: Number of engine on which process is being executed
Status: Process status
SUID: Server user ID of user who issued command
Host Name: Name of host computer
Program Name: Name of front-end module
Host Process: Host process ID number
Command: Command or process currently being executed
CPU: Cumulative CPU time for process in ticks
Physical IO: Number of disk reads and writes for current command
Memory Usage: Amount of memory allocated to process
Blocked by: Process ID of blocking process, if any
Blocking: Indicates if the session is blocking another one
Time Blocked (sec): Amount of seconds the session is blocked
Database: Database name
Client Name: Name by which the user is known for the current session
Client Host Name: Name by which the host is known for the current session
Client App Name: Name by which the application is known for the current session
Client IP: IP address of the client where the login is made
Isolation Level: Level of isolation for the session

Sessions Tab - Session Detail - Provides detailed information on the currently selected session

Sessions Stats Tab - Provides a list of sessions currently held by the Sybase server

Process ID: Process ID
FID: Process ID of the worker process’ parent
Kernel Process ID: Kernel process ID
Engine Num: Number of engine on which process is being executed
Status: Process status
SUID: Server user ID of user who issued command
User: Server user name (login)
Host Name: Name of host computer
Program Name: Name of front-end module
Host Process: Host process ID number
Command: Command or process currently being executed
CPU: Cumulative CPU time for process in ticks
Physical IO: Number of disk reads and writes for current command
Memory Usage: Amount of memory allocated to process
Blocked by: Process ID of blocking process, if any
Database: Database name
Client Name: Name by which the user is known for the current session
Client Host Name: Name by which the host is known for the current session
Client App Name: Name by which the application is known for the current session
Client IP: IP address of the client where the login is made

Locks Tab - Provides a list of Transaction, DML and PL/SQL locks currently held by the Sybase server, as a tree view

Session/Lock: Name of session or lock
Session ID: Session ID
Status: Process status
Blocking: Indicates if the session is blocking another one
Type: Lock Type
User: Server user name(login)
Database: Database name
Object: Object (table) name to be locked
FID: Process ID of the worker process’ parent
Host: IP address of the client host
Program: Name of front-end module
Client Name: Name by which the user is known for the current session
Client Host Name: Name by which the host is known for the current session
Client App Name: Name by which the application is known for the current session
Client IP: IP address of the client where the login is made

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