The Undo and Redo buttons in the Toolbar allow taking back the last action, or reinstating an undone action. If several steps are taken, the Undo and Redo buttons allow you to step forward or back to an original starting state. Some actions cannot be undone via the Undo/Redo buttons, such as generating an Extract or Replacing a Connection.

Hovering over the Undo or Redo button provides a tooltip of the most recent action taken which can be undone/redone.

Below are some examples of the actions which can be undone.

Drag a Field into the Columns or Rows deck.

Drag multiple selected fields to the Filters Deck, the Columns deck, or the Rows deck.

Drag a field on the top of another field to replace it in the Columns or Rows deck.

Drag a Field into the Columns or Rows deck, then drag this same field out of the Columns or Rows deck into the Filters Deck.

Drag a Dimension to Columns or Rows deck, then right-click it and convert it into a Measure.

Delete a Worksheet or Dashboard.

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