tail - output the last part of files

tail [OPTION...] [FILE...]

tail prints the last 10 lines of each FILE to standard output; with more than one FILE, precedes each with a header giving the file name; with no FILE, reads standard input.

Output appended data as the file grows.

Output the last N lines, this is the shorthand of '-n N'

-n N
Output the last N lines, instead of 10; or use +N to output lines starting with the Nth.

Never output headers giving file names.

With -f, sleep for approximately SECOND seconds (default 1.0) between iterations.

Always output headers giving file names.

To print the last 10 lines of a File to standard output
tail FileName

To print the last 4 lines of a File to standard output
tail -4 FileName

      To print the last 4 lines of mutliple files to standard output
tail -n 4 FileName FileName FileName

      To print the last 10 lines of a file to standard output and continue to append data as the file grows
tail -f FileName

If both -q and -v are specified, headers are not displayed. With -f, only the last file is followed if more than one files are specified.

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