E-mail options are for use in AquaScripts, so that the settings within the options may be used when a script is designed to send or receive emails. Also, email settings are used in the Scheduled Tasks tool to send or receive emails with the results of the tasks.
- SMTP Server
SMTP Server: The address of the SMTP server.
SMTP Port: The port of the SMTP server.
SMTP Username: The username of the account on the SMTP server.
SMTP Password: The password of the account on the SMTP server.
SMTP Use SSL: Connect to SMTP server using SSL.
SMTP Use Authentication: SMTP server requires user/pass Authentication.
- E-mail Queue
Enable queue: Enable the email queue. Emails will not be accepted when the queue is disabled.
Pause queue: Pause the email queue. Queued emails will not be sent to the email server when the queue is paused.
Archive queue: Archive the email queue. A copy of each delivered email is saved when the queue is archived.
- E-mail Defaults
From: Sender email address.
Cc: An email address or a list of comma separated email addresses for carbon copy (CC:) recipient(s).
Bcc: An email address or a list of comma separated email addresses for blind carbon copy (BCC:) recipient(s).
When first trying to send an email with your Gmail account you may get the following message:

For more information head to this page on how to turn on access for less secure apps on Gmail.