Table Data Editor - Table Data Editor
Transactions Required for Table Data Editor: Determines whether the Table Data Editor requires transactions. NOTE: If this is set to false, the Table Data Editor can’t guarantee single row modifications for row updates. Paste Transforms (null) String into NULL: Allows insertion of a NULL value when pasting a (null) string from the clipboard Prompt for Ambiguous Columns: If this value is true, the user will be prompted to identify the ambiguous columns, otherwise those columns will be read-only. Transform Zero Length String into NULL: Determines whether a zero-length string is replaced with NULL TOP default size: TOP size selection when selecting Table Date Editor in schema browser. Prompt user for TOP size: Prompt user for TOP size when selecting Table Data Editor in schema browser. Statement separator: Statement separator to use when generating DML scripts
- Transaction
Transaction Type: Determines the transaction method applied to executed statements Batch Size: Determines number of statements per transaction. [Transaction Type: Batch] Threshold: Determines time limit threshold per transaction, milliseconds. [Transaction Type: Threshold] Wait Time: Determines the amount of time to wait between transactions, milliseconds. [-1 = Disabled]
- Transaction Log Monitor [Sybase ASE Log Monitor]
Log Used Threshold: Determines the % of the Transaction Log used that will trigger a transaction wait time period. [-1 = Disabled] Log Used Wait Time: Determines the amount of time to wait between transactions when the Transaction Log Used has exceeded the usage threshold (in milliseconds).
- Modification Logs
Enabled: Determines if modification logs are enabled Logs Location: Location where the modification logs are stored. Maximum Modification Logs: Maximum number of logs stored on disk before logs are truncated; no limit if negative
|  Table Data Editor Options |
Procedure Editor - Package Editor: Compile header & body when compiling
Determines if both the header & body are compiled when compile is executed
|  Procedure Editor Options |
|  SQL Editor Options SQL Editor Options - General - Autocompletion SQL Editor Options - Syntax Coloring - Tabs SQL Editor Abbreviation Options |
|  Text Editor Options Text Editor Abbreviation Options |
|  HTML Editor Options HTML Editor Abbreviation Options |
|  XML Editor Options XML Editor Abbreviation Options |
|  Java Editor Options Java Editor Abbreviation Options |
|  Javascript Editor Options Javascript Editor Abbreviation Options AquaScript Editor Options AquaScript Editor Auto-Completion Options |