The gear icon next to each alert rule allows you to perform specific actions. You can perform these actions on a single alert rule or you can execute bulk operations on several selected alert rules. 

What actions can you perform on a single alert rule?

When you select a single alert rule, you can perform the following actions:

  • Enable Alert Rule  
  • Disable Alert Rule 
  • Delete Alert Rule 
  • Edit Alert Rule 
  • Subscribe
  • Unsubscribe

When you disable an alert rule, SQL Enterprise Job Manager stops generating alerts that meet the respective alert rule. If you are subscribed to the alert rule, no notifications will be sent until you enable the alert rule again.

When you delete an alert rule, SQL Enterprise Job Manager stops its relevant alerts and notifications. 

When you click Subscribe, SQL Enterprise Job Manager automatically subscribes you to the alert rule you specify. If you want to unsubscribe to the alert rule, click Unsubscribe and you will no longer receive notifications from these alert rules. For more information, go to Subscribing to alerts.

What actions can you perform on several selected alert rules?

You can perform bulk actions on several selected alert rules. Select those alerts on which you want to execute actions and choose from the following options:

  • Enable Alert Rules  
  • Disable Alert Rules 
  • Delete Alert Rules 
  • Subscribe
  • Unsubscribe

When you disable several alert rules, SQL Enterprise Job Manager stops generating alerts that meet the respective alert rules. If you are subscribed to the alert rules, no notifications will be sent until you enable the alert rules again.

When you delete alert rules, SQL Enterprise Job Manager stops their relevant alerts and notifications. 

You cannot edit properties for several selected alert rules. Since each alert rule has different settings, you can only edit the properties of one alert rule at a time.

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