The IDERA SQL Compliance Manager Logs view lists events and alerts initiated by SQL Compliance Manager components, allowing you to monitor operations and diagnose issues within your environment. The Logs view consists of the Activity Log and Change Log areas, toggled by the option at the top of the page.

Available actions include:

Page through activities

Allows you to page through the list of activities. Use the previous and next arrows to navigate from page to page, up and down the list.


Allows you to filter the listed activities by date, time, instance name, event, user name, and description. Filtering includes a Save View feature that lets you select all of your filtering options, and then save the settings for future use. Click Load View to select a previously-saved view for use.

Enable Groups

Allows you to group activities by a specific property, such as the computers on which the activities occurred or the times the activities occurred. Enable groups when you want to sort the activities or focus on a particular activity attribute.


Allows you to export the Activity Log and Change Log information to a CSV, PDF, or XML file.


Allows you to update the activity list with current data.

For more information about the Activity Log and Change Log tabs in the SQL Compliance Manager Monitoring Console, see Activity Log tab and Change Log tab.

Activity Log view

The Activity Log view displays a list of activity and system alerts across all registered instances. SQL Compliance Manager generates the following types of system alerts:

System AlertCaused by ...Resolves when ...
Agent Configuration ErrorError saving the SQL Compliance Manager Agent configuration file (.bin)
Error loading the new configuration
File is successfully saved
SQL Compliance Manager Agent configuration is successfully updated
Collection Service Connection ErrorCollection Server is offline or the SQL Server instance hosting the Repository is offlineConnection to the collection service is established
CLR ErrorError when enabling CLR, creating or modifying the before-after data trigger, or performing a health checkSQL Compliance Manager Agent configuration update or health check is successful
Server Connection ErrorError when connecting to the audited instances, due to invalid permissions or the offline SQL Server instanceConnection is established
SQL Trace ErrorError when starting or stopping the audit tracesAudit traces are started or stopped
Trace Directory ErrorError when creating trace directory or when reaching the maximum size allocated for the trace directoryTrace directory is created or the trace files are transferred to the Collection Server for processing

Available columns include:


Provides the date that the event occurred.


Provides the time that the event occurred.

Instance Name 

Provides the name of the SQL Server instance, using the format SQLServerName\InstanceName.


Provides the type of event that occurred.


Displays the first line of the event details.

Activity Log Properties

For each event, you can view properties by clicking Event Properties under the gear icon for the associated event. The Activity Log Properties window allows you to view details about an individual event in the Activity Log. You can view the following information:

  • Date and time the event occurred
  • Type of event
  • SQL Server instance on which the event occurred

To scroll from one event to the next, use the up and down arrows.

To copy the event details to another application, click Copy to. This action copies the event details to your clipboard, allowing you to paste the contents into another application such as Microsoft Word.

Change Log view

The Change Log view lists changes and events initiated through the Management Console and the Collection Server, allowing you to monitor IDERA SQL Compliance Manager operations and diagnose issues.

Available columns include:


Provides the date that the event occurred.


Provides the time that the event occurred.

Instance Name 

Provides the name of the SQL Server instance, using the format SQLServerName\InstanceName.


Provides the type of event that occurred.


Provides the name of the user account associated with the event.


Displays the first line of the event details.

Change Log Properties

The Change Log Properties window allows you to view details about an individual event in the Change Log. You can view the following information:

  • Date and time the event occurred
  • Type of event
  • SQL Server instance on which the event occurred
  • User who executed the event

To scroll from one event to the next, use the up and down arrows.

To copy the event details to another application, click Copy. This action copies the event details to your clipboard, allowing you to paste the contents into another application such as Microsoft Word.

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