Before installing 2.4, make sure:

  • To backup your previous IDERA Enterprise Job Manager Repository and IDERA Dashboard Core Repository.
  • Your environment meets the hardware and software requirements for installing SQL Enterprise Job Manager.
  • You have the required accounts and permissions. 

To install SQL Enterprise Job Manager 2.4, follow these steps:

  • Open the installer, SQL Enterprise Job Manager notifies you that you are upgrading to a new version and asks you if you are certain of this action. Click Yes to proceed with the upgrade.
  • Install version 2.4. You can point the installer to the previous repositories. Go to Installing SQL Enterprise Job Manager for more information. 

Keep in mind:

When upgrading from an older version, you need to upgrade to version 2.2, then upgrade to 2.2.1, and so on until 2.4.

Support can provide you access to the 2.4 installation kit if needed. You can contact .

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